GRGR(7) Angel ogf Lubeck

Michael D. Workman m-workman at
Thu Aug 5 09:11:40 CDT 1999

At 01:14 PM 8/5/99 +0200, you wrote:
>PS: Sorry that I wasn´t able to do this hosting in more depth, but I´ve
>really fallen ill.

Lars, man. You are so hot. Worry not.


Michael Workman, Proprietor
Underworld Used Books
1331 North Ashland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Daytime: (312) 908-4963
Store: (773) 395-8454

Open Tue-Fri 6-10:30
Sat 12-10:30
Sun 12-7
Closed Mondays 

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