NP To Rich, primarily

Heikki Raudaskoski hraudask at
Thu Aug 5 10:55:21 CDT 1999

Found something that might please Brooklyn's 
famous fabfourhead. (Running thru the campus, 
so, now it's time to say goodnight, Heikki):

15-18 June, 2000


The BEATLES 2000 Conference

On behalf of the organisers of the BEATLES 2000 Conference we are happy to
invite you to join us at the first interdisciplinary World Conference on
the Beatles. The conference will be held at the University of Jyvaskyla,
Department of Music from June 15-18, 2000.

Jyvaskyla is the principal city in the central region of Finland. Together
with its surroundings, the City is inhabited by some 100 000 people and is
located on Lake Paijanne in the heart of one of the Finnish lake
districts. The world famous architect Alvar Aalto has greatly contributed
to creating the modern appearance of Jyvaskyla and the conference building
is designed by him. The travel connections to Jyvaskyla are good by air,
rail and road from both Helsinki and Turku.

We look forward to meeting you in Jyvaskyla.

Dr Yrjo Heinonen (Conference Chair)
Ms Terhi Nurmesjarvi (Secretary)


We invite you to submit an abstract for paper presentation at the
Conference. There will be 30 minutes for each presentation: 20 minutes for
the paper and 10 minutes for discussion.

Our aim is to provide a forum for all Beatles scholars, regardless of
orientation and perspective. As such, the Conference has no specific
theme. However, we encourage proposals relating especially to the
following broad topics:

- the roots and heritage of the Beatles
- the Beatles as a cultural phenomenon, with respect to the 1960's in
- the position of the Beatles within popular/rock music
- the reception of the Beatles in the world
- making music ¡ songwriting, arranging, recording, mixing, releasing
- individual songs and/or albums 
- musical style and its change

We expect that the prevailing approaches of popular music research ¡
musicology, cultural studies, ethnomusicology, semiotics, and sociology ¡
will be well represented in the Conference. We also welcome proposals that
broaden the scope of study beyond the prevailing research orientations
with different branches of psychology (cognitive, social, psycho-analysis)
and historical research (source-criticism, manuscript and sketch studies).

Proposals should be sent in one of the following formats:

- email (strongly preferred): PostScrit (.ps), Portable Document Format
(.pdf) or Plain Text.

- hard copy: 6 copies

The one-page abstract should be in English and no more than 400 words in

Headings should include the title in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, the name(s) and
affiliation(s) of the author(s), including city and country. Please omit
university degrees, titles, street addresses, and postal code.

The abstracts should provide sufficient information for readers to fully
assess the aims, method, results, and implications of the research in

We encourage submitting structured abstracts with headings including (1)
background, (2) aims, (3) method, (4) results, and (5) conclusions and/or

For theoretical papers or reviews the suggested headlines would include
(1) background, (2) aims, (3) main contribution, and (4) conclusions
and/or implications.

Hard copy submissions must include one complete, one-page, camera ready
abstract, which will be printed in the Abstract Book.

Abstracts should be typed on one A4 size (210 mm x 297 mm) white bond
paper lengthwise and written within a 247 mm high by 160 mm wide retangle.
The margins should be 25 mm. Text should be justified left, single-spaced,
with the character size set at 12 points, with Helvetica or Arial
typeface. Do not hyphenate words at the end of lines.

The proposals should be sent to the Conference Secretariat and will be
reviewed by the Scientific Committee.


Scholarly Programme (tentative)

THU 	15.6	3-6 pm			registration
FRI	16.6	9 am - 4 pm		opening + papers
SAT	17.6	9 am - 4 pm		papers
SUN	18.6	9 am - noon		papers + closing

Each day will begin with a keynote lecture.

Social Programme

The social programme will offer a get together party (Thursday night), an
opening reception hosted by the City (Friday night), an excursion by boat
on Lake Paijanne, the second largest lake of the country and a conference
dinner (Saturday night). Detailed information on the programme will be
given in the Second Announcement.

Fees and Accommodation

Detailed information on registration fees and accommodation will be given
in the Second Announcement and the registration form. All information on
final registration will automatically be mailed to pre-registered persons
who have returned their notice of interest. Accommodation reservations
will be made by the organizers, and special rates negotiated for the

Important Dates

- 2nd Announcement, October 1999
- Deadline for submitting abstracts, January 31, 2000
- Deadline for early registration, March 15, 2000
- Programme and the Book of Abstracts, June 2000
- Proceedings, Autumn 2000


Scientific Committee

- Yrjo Heinonen, University of Jyvaskyla (Finland), Chair
- Alf Bjornberg, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
- Markus Heuger, University of Cologne (Germany)
- Gary Kendall, Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois, USA)
- Richard Middleton, University of Newcastle (England)
- Sheila Whiteley, University of Salford (England)

Organising Committee

The BEATLES 2000 Research Project:

- Yrjo Heinonen, Chair
- Terhi Nurmesjarvi, Secretary
- Tuomas Eerola
- Jouni Koskimaki
- Seppo Niemi


Scientific Secretary

Ms Terhi Nurmesjarvi
E-mail: nuteka at
BEATLES 2000 Conference
University of Jyvaskyla
Department of Music
P.O. Box 35 (M)
FIN-40351 Jyvaskyla, FINLAND

Tel.	+358 14 260 1348
Fax:	+358 14 260 1331

URL of the Conference:

Practical Arrangements

Confennia Ltd.
Ms Pirjo-Leena Pitkanen
E-mail: pitkanen at
P.O. Box 35
FIN-40351 Jyvaskyla, FINLAND

Tel.   	+358 14 260 3662
Fax.  	+358 14 260 3727

URL of the preregistration:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

	Ms Terhi Nurmesjarvi		BEATLES 2000 	          

	University of Jyvaskyla     	tel. work +358-(0)14-26 01 348
	Department of Musicology    	     home +358-(0)14-61 61 31
	P.O.Box 35 (M)		  	fax.      +358-(0)14-26 01 331
	FIN - 40351 Jyvaskyla	          
	Finland			  	nuteka at

	URL Personal pages:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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