Hello and Query

D. Sticher rstiche1 at nycap.rr.com
Tue Aug 17 15:57:15 CDT 1999

>Hope this does not sound TOO absurd ... I'm really looking forward to
>ideas, suggestions, and help. Thanx a lot for your effort, hope this doesn'
>leave you ... eh ... stumped ...

In the book Amok Journal: Sensurround Edition - a compilation of articles
on a wide variety of unusual phenomena* - there's a large section devoted
to the amputee fetish. Many interesting psychological explanations and
scientific papers are to be found in there.

If you want to get in-depth on the whole missing limb issue, this book is

(Although I could've done without some of the pictures, esp. the auterotic

- Dave

*Including cargo cults, NSK, trepanation, autoerotic asphyxiation,
infrasound,  mondo film, and a "miscellanea" section with details on the
Helsinki Syndrome and lycanthropy.

"If tall buildings are represented by this pencil...Then the inhabitants
are represented by these mice and this vaccuum cleaner represents the
vortex. Look what happens when we switch it on..." - Chris Morris



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