Color sense

Spencer Thiel spen at
Fri Aug 20 13:37:45 CDT 1999

At 1:41 PM -0500 8/20/99, josh wrote:

>Except this site seems to suggest that we see purple ("a nonspectral
>colour") when we get wavelengths from the (quite separate) red and blue
>ranges, in contrast to violet, which we see when we get wavelengths from
>just the violet range.
>Course, the violets here look plenty mauve to me
>and I've heard that "violets are blue," so maybe it's just a verbal dispute?

play with this 
ctrum3.html> for a while.  Good example of how the filters work 
together to produce colors.  Make a streak in the red region and then 
one in the blue region w/o touching the green and see what happens. 
Just reload your browser if you want to start over.


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