
Mitchell R Coffey Mitchell_R_Coffey at vitro.com
Mon Aug 2 08:54:00 CDT 1999

> -----Original Message-----
> From: lorentzen-nicklaus at t-online.de (Lorentzen / Nicklaus)
> at Internet
> Sent: Saturday, July 31, 1999 12:47 PM
> To: FrodeauxB at aol.com at INTERNET
> Cc: pynchon-l at waste.org at INTERNET
> Subject: RE: Holocaust
> FrodeauxB at aol.com schrieb:
> >[quotating me]:  I still remember my irritation when I read
> - must have been in
> '94 - the
> > word
> >  "holocaust" in J.H. Franklin's "Reconstruction: After the
> Civil War"
> > (Chicago
> >  1961). There it refers to the situation in the South after
> the Civil War.
> > Kai-
> >[and asking]: why?
> I'll tell you: Simply because I thought the adequate use of
> the term should be
> strictly limited to the genocide on the European Jews.

Holocaust scholars tend to include the genocide of the Gypsies.  The idea is
this.  Many groups were systematically targeted by the Germans and their allies,
and murdered in the concentration camps. Yet, only in the case of the Gypsies
and Jews were groups targeted with the explicit aim of exterminating an ethnic

Mitchell Coffey

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