GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender

schwitterz1 at schwitterz1 at
Tue Aug 3 18:39:58 CDT 1999

"[...] he's been brought up a Christian, a Western European, believing in
the primacy of the "conscious" self and its memories, regarding all the
rest as abnormal or trivial, and so he is troubled, deeply. . . ."  (p.

And the bombs continue to Fall as we cling to this belief in the primacy
of the "conscious" self. 

The quotes around conscious are the author's.

We are all troubled, deeply. . . .

Perhaps we should consider the notion of the primacy of the deeply
troubled "unconscious."

The quotes around unconscious are mine.

And yours.

Who will serve as intercessor "between what (we are) supposed to be and

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