lists: WASTE downtime (fwd)

Murthy Yenamandra yenamand at
Fri Aug 13 09:13:32 CDT 1999

----- Forwarded message from Oliver Xymoron -----

Date: 	Thu, 12 Aug 1999 12:09:01 -0500 (CDT)
From: Oliver Xymoron <oxymoron at>
To: lists at
Subject: lists: WASTE downtime

WASTE's net link was severed by our local phone company (US West) again.
This happened on Tuesday at about 8:30am CST. We are still trying to sort
things out. 

In the mean time, we've made special arrangements with our ISP to route
all our traffic over a single 33.6 modem. Things will be slow for a while.
That's an understatement.

----- End of forwarded message from Oliver Xymoron -----

Murthy Yenamandra                  mailto:yenamand at
Dept of Computer Science           Center for Dichotomy Repair
University of Minnesota		   Minneapolis, MN
"Every heart/to love will come/but like a refugee" - Leonard Cohen

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