Physics poetry (theoretical of course)

FrodeauxB at FrodeauxB at
Wed Aug 11 16:48:59 CDT 1999

For whatever reason, I thought this could have been a TRP lyric.
Professor Andrew Petrarca and his Subterranian Immelmann Machine
   "Superposition" (lyrics by A. Petrarca, music by Immelmann Machine)

When I asked her if she'd love me, my kitten she said "mu,"
And not just "yes" or "no" as I'd expected her to do.
And ever since that moment, my heart's been split in two.
I don't know if I'm part of "us," or if we're "me" and "you."

 And when the box is opened, will they find us both in there?
 Or will my heart have broken, leaving poison in the air?
 My destiny's the sum of two distictly different fates -
 I'm in a superposition of eigenstates!  (oh yeah)

When she said she couldn't answer, a paradox was born.
The lid was shut, my fate was sealed, reality was torn.
This gedankenexperiment arose to bear its thorn -
Curiosity's killing half of me, but should I laugh, or mourn?

 And when the box is opened, will we both be inside?
 Or will Schrodinger have killed our love with gaseous cyanide?
 My destiny's the sum of two distictly different fates -
 I'm in a superposition of eigenstates!  (oh yeah)

When the wave function collapses, my life will still go on.
But I'll collapse as well, if I am left and she is gone.
I cannot tell by looking which conclusion life has drawn -
The sunset light's as rosy as it ever is at dawn.

 And if the box is opened and the atom is still whole,
 The music of her purr will win me over heart and soul.
 But if it's flown apart and turned to lead instead of gold,
 At least I will be one again, if not the one she'll hold.
 'Til then my destiny remains the sum of these two fates -
 It's a superposition of eigenstates!
 I'm in a superposition of eigenstates! (oh yeah)
 I'm in a superposition of eigenstates!

                                        -A. Petrarca, Professor of Physics, 

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