Colour Nonsense
Terrance F. Flaherty
Lycidas at
Fri Aug 20 23:56:58 CDT 1999
I've but a common school boys knowledge of artist's palettes
and peacock's tails, but of black and white and blue, I
think I know a thing or two:
The white therefore signifieth joy, solace, and gladness,
and that not at
random, but upon just and very good grounds: which you may
perceive to be
true, if laying aside all prejudiced affections, you will
but give ear to
what presently I shall expound unto you.
Aristotle saith that, supposing two things contrary in their
kind, as good
and evil, virtue and vice, heat and cold, white and black,
pleasure and
pain, joy and grief,--and so of others,--if you couple them
in such manner
that the contrary of one kind may agree in reason with the
contrary of the
other, it must follow by consequence that the other contrary
must answer to
the remanent opposite to that wherewith it is conferred.
As, for example,
virtue and vice are contrary in one kind, so are good and
evil. If one of
the contraries of the first kind be consonant to one of
those of the
second, as virtue and goodness, for it is clear that virtue
is good, so
shall the other two contraries, which are evil and vice,
have the same
connection, for vice is evil.
This logical rule being understood, take these two
contraries, joy and
sadness; then these other two, white and black, for they are
contrary. If so be, then, that black do signify grief, by
good reason then
should white import joy. Nor is this signification
instituted by human
imposition, but by the universal consent of the world
received, which
philosophers call Jus Gentium, the Law of Nations, or an
right of force in all countries whatsoever. For you know
well enough that
all people, and all languages and nations, except the
ancient Syracusans
and certain Argives, who had cross and thwarting souls, when
they mean
outwardly to give evidence of their sorrow, go in black; and
all mourning
is done with black. Which general consent is not without
some argument and
reason in nature, the which every man may by himself very
comprehend, without the instruction of any--and this we call
the law of
nature. By virtue of the same natural instinct we know that
by white all
the world hath understood joy, gladness, mirth, pleasure,
and delight. In
former times the Thracians and Cretans did mark their good,
propitious, and
fortunate days with white stones, and their sad, dismal, and
ones with black. Is not the night mournful, sad, and
melancholic? It is
black and dark by the privation of light. Doth not the
light comfort all
the world? And it is more white than anything else. Which
to prove, I
could direct you to the book of Laurentius Valla against
Bartolus; but an
evangelical testimony I hope will content you. Matth. 17 it
is said that,
at the transfiguration of our Lord, Vestimenta ejus facta
sunt alba sicut
lux, his apparel was made white like the light. By which
whiteness he gave his three apostles to understand the idea
and figure of
the eternal joys; for by the light are all men comforted,
according to the
word of the old woman, who, although she had never a tooth
in her head, was
wont to say, Bona lux. And Tobit, chap.5, after he had lost
his sight,
when Raphael saluted him, answered, What joy can I have,
that do not see
the light of Heaven? In that colour did the angels testify
the joy of the
whole world at the resurrection of our Saviour, John 20, and
at his
ascension, Acts 1. With the like colour of vesture did St.
John the
Evangelist, Apoc. 4.7, see the faithful clothed in the
heavenly and blessed
Read the ancient, both Greek and Latin histories, and you
shall find that
the town of Alba (the first pattern of Rome) was founded and
so named by
reason of a white sow that was seen there. You shall
likewise find in
those stories, that when any man, after he had vanquished
his enemies, was
by decree of the senate to enter into Rome triumphantly, he
usually rode in
a chariot drawn by white horses: which in the ovation
triumph was also the
custom; for by no sign or colour would they so significantly
express the
joy of their coming as by the white. You shall there also
find, how
Pericles, the general of the Athenians, would needs have
that part of his
army unto whose lot befell the white beans, to spend the
whole day in
mirth, pleasure, and ease, whilst the rest were a-fighting.
A thousand
other examples and places could I allege to this purpose,
but that it is
not here where I should do it.
By understanding hereof, you may resolve one problem, which
Aphrodiseus hath accounted unanswerable: why the lion, who
with his only
cry and roaring affrights all beasts, dreads and feareth
only a white cock?
For, as Proclus saith, Libro de Sacrificio et Magia, it is
because the
presence of the virtue of the sun, which is the organ and
promptuary of all
terrestrial and sidereal light, doth more symbolize and
agree with a white
cock, as well in regard of that colour, as of his property
and specifical
quality, than with a lion. He saith, furthermore, that
devils have been
often seen in the shape of lions, which at the sight of a
white cock have
presently vanished. This is the cause why Galli or Gallices
(so are the
Frenchmen called, because they are naturally white as milk,
which the
Greeks call Gala,) do willingly wear in their caps white
feathers, for by
nature they are of a candid disposition, merry, kind,
gracious, and well-
beloved, and for their cognizance and arms have the whitest
flower of any,
the Flower de luce or Lily.
If you demand how, by white, nature would have us understand
joy and
gladness, I answer, that the analogy and uniformity is
thus. For, as the
white doth outwardly disperse and scatter the rays of the
sight, whereby
the optic spirits are manifestly dissolved, according to the
opinion of
Aristotle in his problems and perspective treatises; as you
may likewise
perceive by experience, when you pass over mountains covered
with snow, how
you will complain that you cannot see well; as Xenophon
writes to have
happened to his men, and as Galen very largely declareth,
lib. 10, de usu
partium: just so the heart with excessive joy is inwardly
dilated, and
suffereth a manifest resolution of the vital spirits, which
may go so far
on that it may thereby be deprived of its nourishment, and
by consequence
of life itself, by this perichary or extremity of gladness,
as Galen saith,
lib. 12, method, lib. 5, de locis affectis, and lib. 2, de
causis. And as it hath come to pass in former times,
witness Marcus
Tullius, lib. 1, Quaest. Tuscul., Verrius, Aristotle, Titus
Livius, in his
relation of the battle of Cannae, Plinius, lib. 7, cap. 32
and 34, A.
Gellius, lib. 3, c. 15, and many other writers,--to Diagoras
the Rhodian,
Chilon, Sophocles, Dionysius the tyrant of Sicily,
Philippides, Philemon,
Polycrates, Philistion, M. Juventi, and others who died with
joy. And as
Avicen speaketh, in 2 canon et lib. de virib. cordis, of the
saffron, that
it doth so rejoice the heart that, if you take of it
excessively, it will
by a superfluous resolution and dilation deprive it
altogether of life.
Here peruse Alex. Aphrodiseus, lib. 1, Probl., cap. 19, and
that for a
cause. But what? It seems I am entered further into this
point than I
intended at the first. Here, therefore, will I strike sail,
referring the
rest to that book of mine which handleth this matter to the
Meanwhile, in a word I will tell you, that blue doth
certainly signify
heaven and heavenly things, by the same very tokens and
symbols that white
signifieth joy and pleasure.
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