GRGR (15): Good & Evil (was Enzian...)

Richard Romeo richardromeo at
Fri Dec 17 09:48:56 CST 1999

david sed:
>I contend, as have a few others on the list, that Enzian loved Weissman, 
>vice versa.  That's only hard to accept if one's agenda is to prove
>Weissman's evil nature.  Each man remembers the other in loving terms, no?
I accept the fact that there is more to Weissman than his Blicero 
manifestation.  But Blicero does win out in the end, his sacrifice of 
another of his loves, Gottfried to the Rocket. Enzian almost looks up to 
Weissman as a father seems to me. And let us not forget the ages of these 
two boys--surely we're not talking a 50-50 relationship here. That's what 
makes it monstrous. I don't think a character's capacity for love somehow 
cancels out one's evil nature. Agenda is too strong a word here. Political 
or no, protecting children from such folk ain't no passive cause.
What of P's use of the name Weissman/Blicero--is this a truly Jekyll/Hyde 
dichotmomy--is he a true schizo. I don't recall Weissman doing any drugs of 
any sort which would link him to Dr Jekyll. I could be wrong.

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