GRGR(7) - Spectro(E)?
David Morris
davidm at
Mon Jul 26 14:24:59 CDT 1999
(139.21) "Foxes," calls Spectro(E)
Question: What is that "E" all about? Does it refer to a math function?
Or perhaps it is suggesting we replace the "o" with an "E," but why capital?
Main Entry: spec·ter
Variant(s): or spec·tre /'spek-t&r/
Function: noun
Etymology: French spectre, from Latin spectrum appearance, specter, from
specere to look, look at
Date: 1605
1 : a visible disembodied spirit : GHOST
2 : something that haunts or perturbs the mind : PHANTASM <the specter of
Main Entry: spectro-
Function: combining form
Etymology: New Latin spectrum
: spectrum <spectroscope>
Main Entry: spec·trum
Pronunciation: 'spek-tr&m
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural spec·tra /-tr&/; or spectrums
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, appearance -- more at SPECTER
Date: 1671
1 a : a continuum of color formed when a beam of white light is dispersed
(as by passage through a prism) so that its component wavelengths are
arranged in order b : any of various continua that resemble a spectrum in
consisting of an ordered arrangement by a particular characteristic (as
frequency or energy): as (1) : ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM (2) : RADIO SPECTRUM
(3) : the range of frequencies of sound waves (4) : MASS SPECTRUM c : the
representation (as a plot) of a spectrum
2 a : a continuous sequence or range <a wide spectrum of interests> b :
kinds of organisms associated with a particular situation (as an
environment) or susceptible to an agent (as an antibiotic)
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