July 1999 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jul 1 01:46:49 CDT 1999
Ending: Sat Jul 31 21:09:32 CDT 1999
Messages: 795
- GRGR (5) PK
Mark Wright AIA
- Tattoo
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR Kristallnacht
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazi
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR Kristallnacht
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(6)--Episode 15 English Candy
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR (6) Mexico's Vis[itat]ion
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Mark Wright AIA
- Fwd: Re: GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(6) - The Empire's Suicide
Mark Wright AIA
- The Emperor's New Movie was Teddy Bear
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(7) round white light
Mark Wright AIA
- nabokov
Mark Wright AIA
- Ready for the D Wing
Mark Wright AIA
- NP Troubling Implications of Internet's Ubiquity (WORMS!)
Jill Adams
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Jill Adams
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Jill Adams
- double trouble
Andignac, David
- Questions posed by EWS
Andignac, David
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 16 (up to the advent section)
- GRGR Meta: Header format
Darcy James Argue
- NP: novels about LSD / musicals about nazis?
Darcy James Argue
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Scott Badger
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Scott Badger
- NP: novels about LSD / musicals about nazis?
Alan Ballow
- Tattoo
Monica Baltz
- NP Re: Real American Root Beer
Michael Baum
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Bernier, Jeannie
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Bernier, Jeannie
- Playlist addition: The original disgusting English Candy Drill
Bernier, Jeannie
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Bernier, Jeannie
- NP Re: Real American Root Beer
Bernier, Jeannie
- NP Playlist Addition - carcinogenic
Bernier, Jeannie
- That Spooky Teddi Bear
Nikola Bonobo
- While We Stand Aside and Look
Nikola Bonobo
- NP: novels about LSD?
K. Brecher
- NP Kubrick's The Killing
Simon Bryquer
- GRGR(5->6) Breath Mint Or Candy Mint?
Eric Clapton
- Source of GR-Related Poem
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Pynchon's money gig
Mitchell R Coffey
- Ah, remembraces and annoyances
Mitchell R Coffey
- Favorite Stanley scenes
Mitchell R Coffey
- Zapruder Film
Mitchell R Coffey
- Favorite Stanley scenes
Mitchell R Coffey
- Zapruder Film
Mitchell R Coffey
- Zapruder Film
Mitchell R Coffey
- While We Stand Aside and Look
Mitchell R Coffey
- Gaiman Quotes Pynchon
Mitchell R Coffey
- NP: It lurks again
Don Corathers
- Kubrick
Don Corathers
- Thomas Ruggles Pynchon, 1823-1904
Evan M. Corcoran
- Gaiman Quotes Pynchon
Evan M. Corcoran
- GRGR(5)Enzian
Tsianides Costas
- Tatoo
Brendan Costello
- English Candy Drill
Brendan Costello
- Favorite Stanley scenes
Brendan Costello
- History of a theme
Brendan Costello
- while we stand aside and -- !sharks!
Brendan Costello
- NP Re: human dog metaphors (3)
- distant fireworks
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
- English Candy Drill
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
- GRGR(6) Shrooms+ resources...
- GRGR(5): sources on metaphor and allegory
Mark A. Douglas
- GRGR (5) PK
Mark A. Douglas
- Only in NYC (or San Francisco) (or Dallas, for that matter)
Mark A. Douglas
- English Candy Drill
- human dog metaphors (3)
Thomas Eckhardt
- GRGR(5): Weissmann & Heidegger: being-towards-death
Thomas Eckhardt
- GRGR(5) some questions on pp. 92-113
Thomas Eckhardt
- Lacoue-Labarthe on the Holocaust...
Ian J. Evans
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
- [Fwd: NP Re: human dog metaphors (3)]
Terrance F. Flaherty
- grgr(5) war and sex
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Tattoo
Terrance F. Flaherty
- grgr(5) sex and war
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5): Weissmann & Heidegger: being-towards-death
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR (5) PK
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5): Weissmann & Heidegger: being-towards-death
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5): Weissmann & Heidegger: being-towards-death
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5): Weissmann & Heidegger: being-towards-death
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR (5) PK
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR (5) PK
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5) Sex and War
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR (5) PK
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Vineland cover Tattoo
Terrance F. Flaherty
- humnas and dogs
Terrance F. Flaherty
- distant fireworks
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
Terrance F. Flaherty
- distant fireworks
Terrance F. Flaherty
- distant fireworks
Terrance F. Flaherty
- distant fireworks
Terrance F. Flaherty
- distant fireworks
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
Terrance F. Flaherty
- TRP and Dickens
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Death of the critic
Terrance F. Flaherty
- NP anonymity study
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
Terrance F. Flaherty
- V.N. on Joyce's FW
Terrance F. Flaherty
- TRP and Dickens
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Terrance F. Flaherty
- What's it all about, TOM ME
Terrance F. Flaherty
- grgr(5)Turkey Dodoes
Terrance F. Flaherty
- P,P,TSE,S.H.
Terrance F. Flaherty
- grgr(5)Turkey Dodoes
Terrance F. Flaherty
- wee wee wee matt 7:6
Terrance F. Flaherty
- weeeooooops
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR (6): Darlene and other British delicacies
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR (6): Darlene and other British delicacies
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - The DECD: the Holocaust
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Not Pynchon related (Summer of Sam)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Only in NYC
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Slothrop's deja vu all over again
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Schlemiel as hero and metaphor
Terrance F. Flaherty
- A Dylan Moment
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Terrance F. Flaherty
- grgr(6) digression
Terrance F. Flaherty
- JFKjr
Terrance F. Flaherty
- conventional novel
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - section 8
Terrance F. Flaherty
Terrance F. Flaherty
- "Doing The Same Thing"
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - section 8
Terrance F. Flaherty
- gold teeth II
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#1)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#2)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#4)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- gold teeth II
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3) disregard
Terrance F. Flaherty
- "sign and symptoms and symbols"
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Tatoo
Lars Frehse
- New Adress
Lars Frehse
- New Adress
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(6) - The Empire's Suicide
Lars Frehse
- NP Re: Real American Root Beer
Lars Frehse
- Long Summer Weekends
Lars Frehse
- Long Summer Weekends
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(7) starting today
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(7) round white light
Lars Frehse
- GRGR (7) You Pointsman
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(7) sinister, I presume
Lars Frehse
- GRGR7 Summary of chapter 17
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(7) human dogs all over again
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(7) fluffy beard
Lars Frehse
- GRGR (7): The minotaur
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(5) Katje: take one
Justin Ginnetti
- Questions posed by EWS
Justin Ginnetti
- Eyes Wide Shut
Justin Ginnetti
- 'Godfather' author Mario Puzo dies
Peter Giordano
Peter Giordano
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes
Peter Giordano
- Hey, Hey. It's Fat Fuckin' Calbert, Baby
Michael Haneke
- Hey, Hey, My, My, Calbert's a Mean Old Bitch (in D-minor)!
Michael Haneke
- Hey, Hey. It's Fat Fuckin' Calbert, Baby
Michael Haneke
- Questions posed by EWS
Stephen Hanson
- distant fireworks
J. Herzog
- What's it all about?
J. Herzog
- Cue Zither music...
J. Herzog
- The missing candy: Crunchy Frog
J. Herzog
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes/Lines
J. Herzog
- Not Pynchon related (Summer of Sam)
Tom Hickey
- Questions posed by Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Tom Hickey
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes/Lines
Tom Hickey
- GRGR(7) - Pointy's Obsession
Tom Hickey
- Tattoo
- GRGR(5) Katje -- who is she working for?
- GRGR(5) A walk along the beach (pp. 86-92)
- Katje's Theme
- von Braun on the telly
- GRGR(6) - The Empire's Suicide
- What's it all about?
David &/or Jane
- No subject
David &/or Jane
- No subject
David &/or Jane
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazi
David &/or Jane
- No subject
David &/or Jane
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazi
David &/or Jane
- Mexico's Vis[itat]ion
David &/or Jane
- No subject
David &/or Jane
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
David &/or Jane
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
David &/or Jane
- No subject
David &/or Jane
- GRGR(7)-Points of Light : Pointman Revealed
David &/or Jane
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes
- GRGR(7) - Spectro(E)?
David A. Kassay
- Where has it gone?
John M. Krafft
- GRGR(6)--Episode 15 English Candy
James Kyllo
- GRGR(6) - The Empire's Suicide
James Kyllo
- Ready for the D Wing
James Kyllo
- GRGR(5) Katje, Blicero, Enzian, Gottfried, Pirate, Katje
Meg Larson
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Meg Larson
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Meg Larson
- GRGR(6) - section 8
Meg Larson
- gold teeth II
Meg Larson
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance. (fwd)
Elizabeth Rose Lucas
- GRGR (5) PK
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) War and sex
Paul Mackin
- Tattoo
Paul Mackin
- GRGR (5) PK and other threads knotted into one another
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5): sources on metaphor and allegory
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5): sources on metaphor and allegory
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) Katje: take one
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) Katje: take one
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
Paul Mackin
- GRGR (5) PK and other threads knotted into one another
Paul Mackin
- distant fireworks
Paul Mackin
- distant fireworks
Paul Mackin
- distant fireworks
Paul Mackin
- distant fireworks
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
Paul Mackin
- distant fireworks
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) What kind of book is GR?
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5->6) Breath Mint Or Candy Mint?
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Paul Mackin
- Casablanca
Paul Mackin
- What's it all about?
Paul Mackin
- What's it all about?
Paul Mackin
- GRGR Re: What's it all about?
Paul Mackin
- What's it all about?
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Paul Mackin
- GRGR Kristallnacht
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Paul Mackin
- GRGR Kristallnacht
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Paul Mackin
- GRGR (6): Darlene and other British delicacies
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Paul Mackin
- GRGR (6): Darlene and other British delicacies
Paul Mackin
- GRGR (6) Mexico's Vis[itat]ion
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Paul Mackin
- Pynchon on the 'autobiographycity' of fiction
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance. (fwd)
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6) - What's in a name?
Paul Mackin
- NP: Audience Wide Asleep
Paul Mackin
- Audience Wide Asleep (P.S. Spoilers)
Paul Mackin
- Questions posed by EWS
Paul Mackin
- EWS scenes [spoiler]
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6): two POW questions
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6) - section 8
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(7)-Points of Light : Pointman Revealed
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(7)-Points of Light : Pointman Revealed
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(7) Pointy's "sentiments d'emprise" 136-144
Paul Mackin
- "sign and symptoms and symbols"
Paul Mackin
- Holocaust
Paul Mackin
- Skippy (minor spoiler if you've never read GR)
Paul Mackin
- Not Pynchon related (Summer of Sam)
Megan Mahoney
- NP anonymity study
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
- GRGR Re: What's it all about?
- Spanish translations
Juan Cires Martinez
- GRGR (5) PK
Derek C. Maus
- Casablanca
Derek C. Maus
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Derek C. Maus
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Derek C. Maus
- double trouble
Derek C. Maus
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes/Lines
Derek C. Maus
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes/Lines
Derek C. Maus
- While We Stand Aside and Look
Derek C. Maus
- GRGR(6) Wait
Keith McMullen
- GRGR(6) Cherokee
Keith McMullen
- Mexico's V
Keith McMullen
- tattoo
Dave Meury
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Dave Meury
- Zapruder Film
Dave Meury
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Doug Millison
- TRP and Dickens
Doug Millison
- NP anonymity study
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Doug Millison
- hollow earth & miniature gardens
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Mitchell Prettyplace
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Doug Millison
- GRGR Kristallnacht
Doug Millison
- NP: novels about LSD?
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Doug Millison
- GRGR Kristallnacht
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Doug Millison
- NP novels about LSD
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Doug Millison
- GRGR: Kenosha Kid resource
Doug Millison
- What's it all about?
Doug Millison
- NP: novels about LSD?
Doug Millison
- GRGR(6) LSD in literature resource
Doug Millison
- GRGR Re: What's it all about?
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Doug Millison
- GRGR Kristallnacht
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Doug Millison
- Hey, Hey, My, My, Calbert's a Mean Old Bitch (in D-minor)!
Greg Montalbano
- GRGR(5) - Slothrop, the New World
David Morris
- [Fwd: NP Re: human dog metaphors (3)]
David Morris
- GRGR(5) Katje -- who is she working for?
David Morris
- GRGR (5) PK and other threads knotted into one another
David Morris
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
David Morris
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
David Morris
- No subject
David Morris
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
David Morris
- GRGR(5) some questions on pp. 92-113
David Morris
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
David Morris
- GRGR(5) Enzian
David Morris
- GRGR(5) Enzian
David Morris
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
David Morris
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
David Morris
- GRGR(6) LSD in literature resource + ...
David Morris
- GRGR(6) - The DECD: the Holocaust
David Morris
- GRGR(6) Episode 16: The Wind
David Morris
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15
David Morris
- GRGR(6) - The Empire's Suicide
David Morris
- GRGR(6) - The Nativity
David Morris
- GRGR(6) LSD & mushrooms
David Morris
- GRGR(6) - The Empire's Suicide
David Morris
- Questions posed by EWS
David Morris
- FW: Questions posed by EWS
David Morris
- Questions posed by EWS
David Morris
- JFKjr
David Morris
- GRGR(6): End of the advent service
David Morris
- GRGR(6): End of the advent service
David Morris
- GRGR(6): End of the advent service
David Morris
- GRGR(7) - Spectro(E)?
David Morris
- GRGR(7) - Pointy's Obsession
David Morris
- GRGR(6) - section 8
David Morris
- GRGR(7) round white light
David Morris
- GRGR(7) - Pointy's Obsession
David Morris
- GRGR(7) - Pavlovian Heresy
David Morris
- GRGR(7) - Pointy's Obsession
David Morris
- GRGR (7): The minotaur
David Morris
- GRGR(7)-Points of Light : Pointman Revealed
David Morris
- GRGR(7)-Points of Light : Pointman Revealed
David Morris
- GRGR(7)-Points of Light : Outside/Inside
David Morris
- GRGR(7) - The Cortex
David Morris
- GRGR(7) Pointy's "sentiments d'emprise" 136-144
David Morris
- GRGR (5) PK
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5): Weissmann & Heidegger: being-towards-death
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5) War and sex
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Pynchon summed up in one sentence
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- [NP] "Da Real World"
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- NP(?) Katje & Marlene //:: Billy Wilder
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5) What kind of book is GR?
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5) some questions on pp. 92-113
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- North by Northwest
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Pynchon on the 'autobiographycity' of fiction
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(6) Episode 16: The Wind
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(6) LSD & mushrooms
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(6): "Nach dir ist mir so weh"
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(6): "not a child in sight"
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Pynchon & Gaddis: "Upcoming Number". A Synchonicity
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5): Blicero on Sea: "Trutz Blanker Hans!"
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(6): After Death, Mind Makes You
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- OSS: fact/ fiction
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(6) How to dry Amanita Muscaria
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- double trouble Back to P
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(6): End of the advent service
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- The Emperor's New Movie was Teddy Bear
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Dumb Question: Pynchon and Meta-Musil
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- gold teeth II
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR (7): The minotaur
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(7): Dreams of falling
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(7): Engineers as ideologues
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(7): Endless German
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(7): Problems with Judgement/Aeon in the Tarot sense
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(7): These things appear on the walls ...
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(7): "no such message, no such home"
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Holocaust
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Un Perm' au Casino Wilhelm Reich
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- What is Nalline?
Bob Norton
- GRGR(5) - Slothrop, the New World
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR (5) PK
Jeremy Osner
- NP Kubrick's The Killing
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(5) Rosebud
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(5) Katje -- who is she working for?
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(5) Enzian
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(5) Enzian
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(6) and (5) Who's watching the movie?
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(6) Episode 16
Jeremy Osner
- [Fwd: GRGR(6) Episode 16]
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(6) Episode 16: The Wind
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 16 (up to the advent section)
Jeremy Osner
- double trouble
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Jeremy Osner
Jeremy Osner
- Audience Wide Asleep (P.S. Spoilers)
Jeremy Osner
- Questions posed by EWS
Jeremy Osner
- NP Questions posed by EWS
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(6): End of the advent service
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(6): End of the advent service
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(6) A rush of images 129-135
Jeremy Osner
- Favorite Stanley scenes
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(6): two POW questions
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(6): two POW questions
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(7) round white light
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(7) human dogs all over again
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(7) - Spectro(E)?
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(7) - Spectro(E)?
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(7) - Pointy's Obsession
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR (7): The minotaur
Jeremy Osner
- Notes from pp. 141-2
Jeremy Osner
- Ready for the D Wing
Jeremy Osner
- Mechanical dream
Jeremy Osner
- Recommended reading
Jeremy Osner
- Subject line mistake
Jeremy Osner
- Ready for the D Wing
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(7) Mechanical dream
Jeremy Osner
- nabokov
- GRGR (5) PK and other threads knotted into one another
Michael Perez
- GRGR(5) Katje: take one
Michael Perez
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
Michael Perez
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
Michael Perez
- GRGR(5) Katje: take two
Michael Perez
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Michael Perez
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Michael Perez
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Michael Perez
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Michael Perez
- GRGR Kristallnacht
Michael Perez
- GRGR(5) Katje: in life
Michael Perez
- GRGR Kristallnacht
Michael Perez
- GRGR (6): Darlene and other British delicacies
Michael Perez
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Michael Perez
- GRGR (6) Mexico's Vis[itat]ion
Michael Perez
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Michael Perez
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Michael Perez
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Michael Perez
- While We Stand Aside and Look
Edward M. Pilszak
- New York! Eco! Wilson!
The Great Quail
- Favorite Stanley scenes
The Great Quail
- Qy: Film: Eyes (fwd)
- EAAS INFO: Call for papers/Gaddis conference (fwd)
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Tattoo
Richard Romeo
- Britannia Dreams
Richard Romeo
- Yesterday's NY Times and M&D Indian Massacre
Richard Romeo
- Pynchon summed up in one sentence
Richard Romeo
- I Know Who Pynchon Is
Richard Romeo
- distant fireworks
Richard Romeo
- Ants and the movie Pi--belated
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Richard Romeo
- Rock and Roll
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Richard Romeo
- Kubrick & Lepton Castle
Richard Romeo
- Kubrick Bio
Richard Romeo
- Kubrick Bio
Richard Romeo
- New Novel About Malta
Richard Romeo
- Only in NYC
Richard Romeo
- Not Pynchon related (Summer of Sam)
Richard Romeo
- gravity's harmonics
Richard Romeo
- The Church and Weather Forecasting
Richard Romeo
- Pynchon summed up in one sentence
Richard Romeo
- A Dylan Moment
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Richard Romeo
- Audience Wide Asleep (P.S. Spoilers)
Richard Romeo
- Couple of Things
Richard Romeo
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(6) - The Empire's Suicide
Richard Romeo
- Robert Arlt's The Seven Madmen
Richard Romeo
- Questions posed by EWS
Richard Romeo
- Questions posed by EWS
Richard Romeo
- Today's NY Times Book Review
Richard Romeo
- Questions posed by EWS
Richard Romeo
- That Spooky Teddi Bear
Richard Romeo
- That Spooky Teddi Bear
Richard Romeo
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes
Richard Romeo
- Dumb Question: Pynchon and Meta-Musil
Richard Romeo
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes/Lines
Richard Romeo
- Zapruder Film
Richard Romeo
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes/Lines
Richard Romeo
- Re. Lot 49 & JFK
Richard Romeo
- Death or Glory--Just Another Story?
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(7) - Spectro(E)?
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(7) - Pointy's Obsession
Richard Romeo
- Gaiman Quotes Pynchon
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(7) round white light
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(7) round white light
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(7) - Pointy's Obsession
Richard Romeo
- Pynchon's Sister
Jeffrey Ross
- GRGR(7) - Spectro(E)?
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Nicole Slagter
- GRGR(6): two POW questions
Nicole Slagter
- Vineland cover Tattoo
Lindsay Smith
- Tattoo
- Casablanca
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Bruce Sublett
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Bruce Sublett
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Bruce Sublett
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Jason Tanz
- The Kenosha Kid Knows
Spencer Thiel
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
Spencer Thiel
- The Producers was Re: NP: novels about LSD / musicals about nazis?
Spencer Thiel
- Kubrick & Lepton Castle
Spencer Thiel
- Kubrick Bio
Spencer Thiel
- double trouble
Spencer Thiel
- double trouble Back to P
Spencer Thiel
- Questions posed by EWS
Spencer Thiel
- Today's NY Times Book Review
Spencer Thiel
- That Spooky Teddi Bear
Spencer Thiel
- That Spooky Teddi Bear
Spencer Thiel
- That Spooky Teddi Bear
Spencer Thiel
- Kubrick Komputer Joke
Spencer Thiel
- GRGR(6)--coming up
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6)--Episode 15 Summary
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6)--Episode 15 Summary--plain text
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6)--Episode 15 notes
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6) - The Empire's Suicide
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 16 (up to the advent section)
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
Gary Thompson
- Audience Wide Asleep (P.S. Spoilers)
Gary Thompson
- GRGR(6): End of the advent service
Gary Thompson
- Waltsicle
Gary Thompson
- Skippy (minor spoiler if you've never read GR)
Gary Thompson
- Tattoo
the Robot Vegetable
- Vineland cover Tattoo
the Robot Vegetable
- Robert Arlt's The Seven Madmen
the Robot Vegetable
- gravity's harmonics
John Verity
- Kubrick Komputer Joke
John Verity
- My Date with Satan, aka, Mike Angry
T. Vieth
- Theorists and Practitioners
Andrew Clarke Walser
- Pynchon's Sister
Andrew Clarke Walser
- Kubrick
Brian Whitman
- GRGR(5): Weissmann & Heidegger: being-towards-death
Kevin Won
- GRGR(5) War and sex
Kevin Won
- GRGR(5) War and sex and Nietzshe (a bit off topic)
Kevin Won
- GRGR(6) Episode 16: The Wind
Kevin Won
- GRGR (5) PK
Keith Woodward
- V.N. on Joyce's FW
Keith Woodward
- Kubrick Bio
Keith Woodward
- NP: Audience Wide Asleep
Keith Woodward
- Audience Wide Asleep (P.S. Spoilers)
Keith Woodward
- GRGR(6): End of the Advent service
Keith Woodward
- GRGR(7) sinister, I presume
Keith Woodward
- Lost Touch
Michael D. Workman
Michael D. Workman
Michael D. Workman
- Questions posed by EWS
Michael D. Workman
Michael D. Workman
- NP Hunting Alligators in Sewers
Murthy Yenamandra
- distant fireworks
Murthy Yenamandra
- NP: It lurks again
Murthy Yenamandra
- Dumb Question: Pynchon and Meta-Musil
Murthy Yenamandra
- Questions posed by EWS
Robert L. Zamsky
- Questions posed by EWS
- JFKjr
- JFKjr
- Ah, remembraces and annoyances
- Some favorite scenes
- Top 5 Kubrick Films
- EWS scenes [spoiler]
- Vineland cover Tattoo
Dictel at aol.com
- distant fireworks
Dictel at aol.com
- Kubrick Bio
Dictel at aol.com
- Kubrick Bio
Dictel at aol.com
- Not Pynchon related (Summer of Sam)
Dictel at aol.com
- new york history in "v"
Dictel at aol.com
- eyes wide shut
Dictel at aol.com
- The Emperor's New Movie was Teddy Bear
Dictel at aol.com
- Waltsicle
Dictel at aol.com
- MenSat
DudiousMax at aol.com
- MenSat II
DudiousMax at aol.com
- MenSat III
DudiousMax at aol.com
- MenSat IV
DudiousMax at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #835
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- Recent discussions
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #845
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #847
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #858
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #866
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- Holocaust
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- Holocaust
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- Tattoo
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Vineland cover Tattoo
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Source of GR-Related Poem
JBFRAME at aol.com
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
JBFRAME at aol.com
- NP: novels about LSD / musicals about nazis?
JBFRAME at aol.com
- grigori and ted's excellent adventure
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Kubrick Bio
JBFRAME at aol.com
- GRGR(6)--Episode 15 English Candy
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Only in NYC [or San Francisco] NP
JBFRAME at aol.com
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
JBFRAME at aol.com
- GRGR(6) - The Empire's Suicide [Gurkha Regiments]
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Questions posed by Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Zapruder Film
JBFRAME at aol.com
- GRGR(6): two POW questions
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Currest Issue of Critique Volume 40, issue #4--Summer 1999
Jbakres at aol.com
- Not Pynchon related (Summer of Sam)
JeSuisCoca at aol.com
- Questions posed by EWS
JeSuisCoca at aol.com
- JFKjr
JeSuisCoca at aol.com
- NP anonymity study
MalignD at aol.com
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
MalignD at aol.com
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
MalignD at aol.com
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
MalignD at aol.com
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
MalignD at aol.com
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes/Lines
MalignD at aol.com
- Whatsitallabout
Metakalas at aol.com
- Vineland post-1984
RUTHSINGS at aol.com
- NYT and Perez-Reverte and V in Spanish
Silentmark at aol.com
- Tattoo
Wiccasmile at aol.com
- Tattoo
- NP: novels about LSD?
- Only in NYC
- NP: It lurks again
- NP Recent discussions
- In Defense of Spike Lee (was Re: Not Pynchon related (Summer of Sam))
- NP Questions posed by EWS
- Vineland Ornithology?
- Pynchon and Bunuel
- mason & dixon
miriam fernandez-santiago
- weekend update
- Pynchon mention
nconaty at juno.com
- Tattoo
nconaty at juno.com
- Vineland cover Tattoo
nconaty at juno.com
- Shivers in the night
nconaty at juno.com
- Pynchon's money gig
nconaty at juno.com
- GRGR(6) - What's in a name?
nconaty at juno.com
- GRGR(6) - English candy - cubeb
nconaty at juno.com
- GRGR(6) - section 8
nconaty at juno.com
- P-List Quote Of The Week
schwitterz1 at juno.com
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes/Lines
schwitterz1 at juno.com
- Long Summer Weekends
schwitterz1 at juno.com
- Long Summer Weekends
schwitterz1 at juno.com
- Re. Lot 49 & JFKjr
schwitterz1 at juno.com
- Questions posed by EWS
schwitterz1 at juno.com
- Paging Jeremy Osner
schwitterz1 at juno.com
schwitterz1 at juno.com
- GRGR(!)
schwitterz1 at juno.com
- Tattoo
george kolliopoulos
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
grladams at mail.teleport.com
- Praying to the Fourth Arsehole of Mike Brings Rain of Softso
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- Hey, Hey. It's Fat Fuckin' Calbert, Baby
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- Hey, Hey, My, My, Calbert's a Mean Old Bitch (in D-minor)!
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- distant fireworks
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- Ants and the movie Pi--belated
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- oh that spengler
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- huh?
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- grgr(5)Turkey Dodoes
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- grigori and ted's excellent adventure
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- TRP anti/pro-semitic? (was Re: GRGR Kristallnacht)
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- Questions posed by Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- NP: It lurks again
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes/Lines
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- Dumb Question: Pynchon and Meta-Musil
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- 5 Fav Kubrick Scenes/Lines
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- pointing
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- Dear slothrop666 at yahoo.com
- GRGR (5) PK
- GRGR (5) PK
- grgr5 what about the girls?
- GRGR(5): sources on metaphor and allegory
- GRGR (5) PK
- GRGR(5): sources on metaphor and allegory
- Tattoo
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
- GRGR(5) Katje: in close up
- GRGR(5) Katje, Blicero, Enzian, Gottfried, Pirate, Katje
- GRGR(5) some questions on pp. 92-113
- GRGR(5) some questions on pp. 92-113
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
- GRGR(5) Enzian
- GRGR(5) Katje: in life
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
- GRGR(6)--Episode 15 notes: liquorice bazooka &c
- GRGR(6) LSD in literature resource + ...
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
- GRGR(5) Enzian
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 16 (up to the advent section)
- GRGR(6) Playlist Addition
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15
- GRGR(6) Wings Of Desire
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
- GRGR(6) - Ep. 15 Reader Dissonance.
- Re. Lot 49 & JFK
- Re. Menippean satire & Lot49
- That Spooky Teddi Bear
- GRGR(6) - section 8
- GRGR(6): End of the Advent service
- GRGR(6): End of the Advent service
- Pynchon on JFK, characterisation &c
- GRGR(6) A rush of images 129-135 (toothpaste tubes)
- GRGR(6): End of the Advent service
- GRGR(6) - section 8
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
- GRGR(7) Pointy's "sentiments d'emprise" 136-144
- GRGR(7) Pointy's "sentiments d'emprise" 136-144
- history of a theme
- GRGR(5) Check In
- Tattoo
- Tattoo
- GRGR(5): Weissmann & Heidegger: being-towards-death
- Hey, Hey.
- GRGR(5) Rosebud
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
- Candy Kristallnacht or Breath Crystal Palace?
- GRGR(5) Katje and the Nazis
- GRGR(6) 118.11 Direct Hit
- GRGR(6)--Episode 15 English Candy
- GRGR: Playlist addition
- GRGR(6) Sigh-Wrapped Rainbow
- GRGR(6) Drill Online
- JFK, Jr.
- GRGR(6) Wings Of Desire
- GRGR(6) Dying Kings/Youthful Folly
- GRGR(6): English Candy & American Root Beer
- NP Re: Real American Root Beer
- GRGR(6) - What's in a name?
- NP Re: Real American Root Beer
- Playlist Addition - True Confections
- NB: American Root Beer Drilled
- Tatoo...
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- GRGR Kristallnacht
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- NP: novels about LSD / musicals about nazis?
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- TRP anti/pro-semitic? (was Re: GRGR Kristallnacht)
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- GRGR (5): Note On Katje
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- Pynchon summed up in one sentence
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- NP the bad band...
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- GRGR (5) PK
keith woodward
- GRGR (5) PK
keith woodward
- Questions posed by EWS
keith woodward
- Questions posed by EWS
keith woodward
- Questions posed by EWS
keith woodward
- GRGR(6) - section 8 (#3)
keith woodward
Last message date:
Sat Jul 31 21:09:32 CDT 1999
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:18:20 CST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).