pynchon-l-digest V2 #845

FrodeauxB at FrodeauxB at
Sun Jul 11 16:05:47 CDT 1999

The German 88 was one of the most useful, versatile, and efficient artillery 
pieces ever built. It was used as an antiaircraft gun; as support artillery 
for the Blitzkrieg because it was light enough to keep up with the mechanized 
infantry-Kai, panzerjeagers?-and the panzers; and eventually on panzers 
themselves. Along with the Stuka dive bomber (field tested, as so well 
documented by Picasso, and Guernica), it made the Blitzkrieg work just as 
Hans Gauderin designed it.
There's an article in the current annual double issue of "The Oxford 
American," the one which features Southern music, on Ike Turner. Buy it for 
the following reasons:
1. Like Playboy, it has great editorial content.
2. It's published by John Grisham, thereby justifying some of his obscene 
profits (or am I merely jealous because I still practice law?).
3. The CD is worth the price of a year's subscription. Remember Dylan's-Bob, 
not the other one, whoever he was-"Oxford Town"? Haven't heard it in a long 
time, and can't remember it sounding so clear and fresh.
4. Trust me-I'm a lawyer.

frodeauxb, digressing while he savors the duck and sips the Brampton.
PS. I await corrections on my history and German. Have a degree in the former 
and 10 hours college noncredit of "F's" in the latter.
me, exposing the results of too much partying in undergrad school in the 60's.

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