GRGR(3) V-I-B-G-Y-O-R = Buns Up Kneelin'
Dr. Edward Pointsman
mcmullenm at
Fri Jun 4 11:15:55 CDT 1999
(49.26-50.24) It's a metaphysical brainwash with a collection of players
aware or unaware of their collaboration in this grand scheme..... first
we have the overstimulation of the Their rocket's impact completely
how the victims perceive and process cues from the environment...
over-reaction calls for ab-reaction..... so off to St. Vera-icon's for a
bit of Their hypgnosis leading to ultraparadoxicality..... then in the
in between while the tabula is rasa... in comes the Pointsman with his
psychic pedophiliac rocket's red glare for an impact of another
sortie..... he wants to fuck your inner Lolita in her moment of
innocence and leave his brown stain (his True Image) upon your formerly
virginal sheets... say the colours of the Rainbow ass-backwards with me
honey.... come to Eddie now..... that's it my child...... countdown to
The manner in which these allegedly hypnotic practices
may work on the brain has been described by British
psychiatrist Dr. William Sargant, an authority whom
critics of movements tend to cite. Dr. Sargant has
written that as a consequence of either sensory
deprivation or over-stimulation, changes in the brain
function may occur which alter the way the brain
receives and records information about the
The brain passes through a series of phases, which are
manifested initially in the subject responding with equal
emotion t major and minor turns of fortune. Then the
balance tips and he appears to react more strongly to
minor emotional stimuli than major ones. Eventually,
the brain enters what Sargant calls an "ultraparadoxical
phase" in which the individual hates the people and life
he once loved and comes to accept people and ideas
he formerly would have rejected. At the same time, the
brain enters a hypnotic state in which it no longer
critically analyses impressions it receives by
comparing them to information it has stored about
previous experience. "New ideas," said Sargant, "can
then be accepted and believed in which are totally at
variance to all the individual's other past and present
experience and belief. The two sets of contrasting ideas
and beliefs then seem able to co-exist together in the
brain for sometimes years and years on end."
During the course of the study's interviews, several
former members of various movements said they
believed they had been hypnotized. Ex-members of one
mind development group felt they could pinpoint the
occasion when it first occurred. They felt it was during
a four-day course when the leader ostensibly took them
down through successively deeper levels of
consciousness. Having them recite rainbow colours
backwards, the leader reportedly instructed them
during that time to heed no voice other than his. Other
interviewees were unable to cite occasions when what
popularly is considered a hypnotic situation was so
clearly constructed. However, they felt they could not
have been induced to participate so unquestioningly in
their groups if they had not been hypnotized.
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