June 1999 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Jun 1 00:12:26 CDT 1999
Ending: Wed Jun 30 22:32:32 CDT 1999
Messages: 1095
- Fwd: Re: [NP] Vonnegut's (second) best book(s)?!
Dictel at aol.com
- GRGR(5): note on Katje
Scott Badger
- GRGR(3): Pointsman and Chivalry
Bruce Sublett
- Houston, the eagle has landed.
christine karatnytsky
- GRGR (3): Pointsman and King Lear
keith woodward
- GRGR(3) St. Vera/icon
- GRGR(3) octopus 51.29
Doug Millison
- GRGR (3): A Tangled Brassiere
keith woodward
- GRGR(3) which war (59.6)
Doug Millison
- Yoyodyne Redux
appleb at us.ibm.com
- GRGR (2) time yet for a little Orwell?
- GRGR(3) Colonic and Respiratory Diseases (was St. Vera/icon)
nconaty at juno.com
- GRGR(3): Pavlov
Jeremy Osner
- Fwd: Re: GRGR(3) octopus 51.29
Mark Wright AIA
- Fwd: GRGR (3): Pointsman and King Lear
DudiousMax at aol.com
- E M Cioran, NP
Lindsay Smith
- V. help needed
Gregor Kessler
- Iris Chang redux
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- approaches...to that Absolute Comfort
- GRGR(3) - Pavlov: Ultraparadoxical
David Morris
- GRGR(3) talking dog 44.20
Doug Millison
- GRGR(3): Borders
keith woodward
- Dogs I've known
DudiousMax at aol.com
- Iris Chang redux (NP)
JBFRAME at aol.com
- GRGR(3) talking dog 44.20 (baby carriage)
JBFRAME at aol.com
- This day in history (courtesy BBC)
marc robinson
- GRGR(3) 47.03 Apocalypse Now
- Doctor Diamond--Trains belated
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(3) 54.16 There Is A War
- GRGR(3) V-I-B-G-Y-O-R = Buns Up Kneelin'
Dr. Edward Pointsman
- GRGR(3) - The Cabal: The Quest for the One & Only Slothrop
David Morris
- GRGR(3) - Dogs I've known
David Morris
- EL MARAVILLOSO MUNDO DE SAURIO changes its address
- Frankenstein
Keith Woodward
- No subject
Lars Frehse
- Today in history
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- [la-law] Today in history
Taylor Caffery
- GRGR(3) talking dog 44.2
keith woodward
- NP Love Nabokov Style
- GRGR (2) "great bright hand"
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Jackstraws
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
keith woodward
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- *Sentence Of The Day*
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
keith woodward
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
Michael Perez
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
Doug Millison
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
keith woodward
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
- GRGR(3): Love Cohen Style
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
Keith Woodward
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
Michael Perez
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
David Morris
- GRGR(3): Jessica and Roger, Mind-to-mind
Bernier, Jeannie
- Ian Scuffling
David Morris
- GRGR(3) - The Map(s)
David Morris
- GRGR(3) - The Map(s) #2
David Morris
- BROKEN ESTATE - James Wood
Jeffrey Boison
- BROKEN ESTATE - 3's a charm - all gone
Jeffrey Boison
- Simeon Denis Poisson
JBFRAME at aol.com
- The miraculous
David &/or Jane
- hannibal is here
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- GRGR(3) 50.31 Love Pointsman Style
- GRGR(1-xx?) Pretzel Protocol
- Missing Pynchon-l Archives
David Morris
- GRGR(3) - Nutria
David Morris
- Question: King Arthur & GR
- GRGR (2&3) true love, doggie style
Brendan Costello
- (Fwd) more harris
calbert at pop.tiac.net
Spencer Thiel
- GRGR(3) 50.31 Love Pointsman
- GRGR(3) Pointsman
Doug Millison
- Nutria
Mike Weaver
- GRGR(3) Pointsman (also Re. Gnostic Pynchon)
David Morris
- Matthew Remski
Paul DiFilippo
- Fwd: Re: GRGR (2) "great bright hand"
Evan Abla
- NP Virus warning
Spencer Thiel
- Beating Dead Horse
DudiousMax at aol.com
- NP: Juneteenth
Keith Woodward
- Varo and Ouspenskian nonsense
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Alpha males Cutting noses and spiteing faces
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Nazi Chic
Richard Romeo
- Tom Waits For Everyone
- Atrium is up
Terrance F. Flaherty
- NP Tom Waits In Oakland Review
- Hackers
Richard Romeo
- Thanks
keith woodward
- Thanks
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- Nutria(#789)
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- Pynchon-l archives on waste
Murthy Yenamandra
- A well dressed Nazi
Andrew Martino
- GRGR(3) get the point?
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- GRGR(7) substitute?
Doug Millison
- minutiae from the zone
Peter Petto
- Rocketmanship - the Pynchon-Potter Connection
Evan M. Corcoran
- Alpha dogs
John M. Krafft
- Max Lurks
DudiousMax at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #795
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- Flying bombs
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- GRGR(4) Introductory Premarks
Keith McMullen
- Chrissie talks about Jessica Swanlake, et al.
Jules Siegel
- GRGR(4) Don't Wait For Me
Keith McMullen
- The Companion
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Cryptonomicon
dave madden
- 'Pi' Question
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(4) 60.05-62.02 Kenosha Kidding
Keith McMullen
- M&D--Tale of the Tub
Richard Romeo
- V-shaped wake--Nessie
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(4): "Wütende Heer"
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(4): "I Wanna Be Black" (PLAYLIST ADDITION)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(4): Kenosha Kid//:: a 'formalistic' reading
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(3) - Determinism
David Morris
- GRGR(4) kenosha kid
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- crypto
- GRGR(4) Slothrop's Sodium Amytal fantasy
Jeremy Osner
- NP NYC P-Listers Are The Elect Whether Or Not They Know It
- GRGR(4) 61.24 Ascent and Sacrifice
- RIP DeForest Kelley
- GRGR(4) Cherokee
- Fwd: GRGR(4) Cherokee
DudiousMax at aol.com
- Fwd: GRGR(4) 61.24 Ascent and Sacrifice
DudiousMax at aol.com
- Messages from Beyond the Zero
Murthy Yenamandra
- The White People
Richard Romeo
- Gustav Moreau
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(4) Rhythm's got me
nconaty at juno.com
- GRGR(4) Heads Up
- GRGR(4): "I Wanna Be Black"
David Morris
- Cherokee
nconaty at juno.com
- GRGR(4) Mr Bird, he dead (long)
nconaty at juno.com
- GRGR(4) - Slothrop Orpheus
David Morris
- GRGR(4) - playlist addition
nconaty at juno.com
- GRGR(4) Cherokee, Bebop, Race and Jazz
Darcy James Argue
- GRGR(4) Snap--to, Slothrop!
Doug Millison
- GRGR(4) 67.34 Your One And Only
- Re. GRGR(4) 61.24 Ascent and Sacrifice
David &/or Jane
- GRGR(4) kenosha kid / irving washington
- Pynchon mention in today's FAZ///::: Melvin Jules Bukiet
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Shame on You
Richard Romeo
- Orson Welles as KK
DudiousMax at aol.com
- EDIT Re: GRGR(4) 67.34 Your One And Only
- GRGR(4) Slothropean Satire
- GRGR(4) Never
- "I Wanna Be Black" (np?)
JBFRAME at aol.com
- GRGR(4) black and white
Doug Millison
- GRGR(4) - Re: GRGR(4) kenosha kid
David Morris
- NP eat a cheese sandwich, drink a beer.
Spencer Thiel
- Set Your VCRs
- GRGR(4) Ernest Pudding's Gourd Surprise
Jeremy Osner
- Orson Welles
Andrew Martino
- Cherokees/Blacks/Hank Williams, etc.
Robert Norton
- GRGR(4) - Crouchfield, White Cocksman
David Morris
- Kenosha Kid
Sean Desilets
- the opposite of
christine karatnytsky
- GRGR(4) A Rose|bud| By Any Other Name
- S(Bloom)d(day) = Ulysses + C
- Only for Heikki: lesezone [ONLIST for technical reasons]
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Crutchfield Episode
Richard Romeo
- Kawliga
Robert Norton
- GRGR(4) Episode 11
- GRGR(4) Aubrey Beardsley Links
- GRGR(4) One More Beardsley URL
- GRGR(4) Von Bayros Links
- Help For Those Who Need It
- Who will write Slothrop's diary?
Doug Millison
- GRGR(4) Geheime Kommandosache
- GRGR(4) Nazi Cryptography
- "V" Quote
Steve Maas
- GRGR(4) Pop Quiz In The Morning
- mind-altering stimulants
pporteous at worley.co.nz
- Red & Jack
DudiousMax at aol.com
- GRGR(4) Segue To Week 2
- GRGR (4): the kenosa kid's confidence game.
Kevin Won
- GRGR(4) Assassins' Drug Of Choice
- GRGR(4) Segue To Episode
- Mason&Dixon question (fwd)
Tim Ware
- GRGR(4) 72.27 Wuotan
- GRGR (4) - Truth Serum?
David Morris
- GRGR(7) You Pointsman?
- GRGR(4) - Surreality (was Slothrop's Rape)
- GRGR(4) - Being Under
David Morris
- Fwd: GRGR(4) - Slothrop's Rape
DudiousMax at aol.com
- GRGR(4) - Slothrop's Rape
David Morris
- bye
Cjhurtt6 at aol.com
- Waterspout in Newsday!!
christine karatnytsky
- GRGR Slothrop & Sloth
Doug Millison
- GRGR(4) playlist addition...
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- A brief musical interlude
Meg Larson
- GRGR(4) - Slothrop's Rape Escape
JBFRAME at aol.com
- GRGR(4) - Wasted-Word-Man
David &/or Jane
- GRGR Pynchon on Pynchon (was Slothrop & Sloth)
Kevin Won
- Black ans White and Red All Over
Terrance F. Flaherty
- TS's session, X and a Spengler ?
Terrance F. Flaherty
- [NP] Today in history: Schwitters' birthday
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Roles for Callista in GR
Bob Norton
- V2 pictures online: www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/6039/start.html
JBFRAME at aol.com
- GRGR(4) B&W Shots Of Faces [Never] Remembered
- GRGR(4) Projective: Rorschach Inkblot Test
- GRGR(4) Objective: MMPI
- GRGR(4) Playlist Addition
- GRGR(4): Episode 12
Jeremy Osner
- Pynchon's Faith
- again: V. HELP NEEDED
Gregor Kessler
- Pynchon's Beliefs
DudiousMax at aol.com
- NP Looking for royalty info
Jeremy Osner
- Lilith
Doug Millison
- GRGR(4) 78.12 Cecil Beaton
- GRGR(4) 78.12 Margot Asquoth
David Morris
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #812&813
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- GRGR(4) - Pudding's Dissolution
David Morris
- NP Rrose Selavy
- Pynchon and Faith
- Kosovo and oil - GR themes
pporteous at worley.co.nz
- Father's and Sons
Terrance F. Flaherty
- One, only one
Terrance F. Flaherty
- V Vroom--from the KC-list
Richard Romeo
- Pissy Pynchonians prattle persistently
Bernier, Jeannie
- GRGR(4) 75.17 Symptom-Focused Short-Term Therapy
- NP DNA espionage
Doug Millison
- GRGR(4) 79.23 Bully Pulpit
- NP Anal Sex (was Re: GRGR(4) 79.23 Bully Pulpit)
- GRGR: Gottfried and NASA's spam-in-a-can
Doug Millison
- a question (fwd)
Tim Ware
- 5 Cent charge on E-mail
David Morris
- Dog lovers
DudiousMax at aol.com
- Pissy Pynchonians with added snow(NP)
Mike Weaver
- NP: Salinger's letters auctioned for $156, 500, being returned to Salinger
- GRGR(7) Host
- bang bang maxwell's silver demon
delores Haze
- Clean Air acting
Evan Abla
- Captives tales
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(4) - The Red Devil
David Morris
- Watch out ! Blatherard Osmo: GR in the news
Jeremy Osner
- NP are we ourselves...
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- test
Doug Millison
- GRGR(4)79.4 Vanya
Lars Frehse
- earth to rj, come in rj...
- Supreme Court
Richard Romeo
- Last Night's Mare
- Pynchon/Shakespeare
Parke Muth
- Fwd: Wednesday humor
Doug Millison
- NP pig-related
Doug Millison
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #818
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- lightning
Doug Millison
- GRGR(4) 83.16 you must halt for him
- GRGR(4): Human Dogs
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(4) Slothrop's Sodium Amytal fantasy - "stone-white cervix"
Michael Perez
- Meta-P-List ramble (Sorry. So sorry.)
Keith Woodward
- GRGR(4->5) And None To Soon
- Request: Machineintelligence in Pynchon?
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(4): Grimm on Wotan
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(4): `only one', anal sex and fish
Nicole Slagter
- why beaver?
calbert at pop.tiac.net
- New Vollman Novel
Richard Romeo
- History of the Toilet
- Some information on rainbows
Bernier, Jeannie
- PLPL marriage of heaven, earth, and hell (re Meta-P-List..)
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- PLPL one more thought...
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- GRGR(4): GR and Interzone...
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- TRP web resource
Doug Millison
- moderation
Murthy Yenamandra
- re Pynchon / Shakespere
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- my humble opinion
- Meta-Pyn-l
- dead dogs ignominiously thrown into the sea
Terrance F. Flaherty
- musical prosody
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR: dogs
Doug Millison
- GRGR(4) 83.16
Dave Meury
- Theatre where The Courier's Tragedy shown
David Bailey
- SoCal
- SoCal
Terrance F. Flaherty
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #823
Tom Dunn
- . . . just . . . sing,
christine karatnytsky
- GRGR(4) white, black, red
Doug Millison
- PynchonLand in Bad Fuckin' Decline, Baby
Michael Haneke
- GRGR(4) Reg Le Froyd 73.11
Doug Millison
- Doggie Style
Michael Haneke
- Ship That Agraphic Lass Off to Timfuckyou with Auster, Baby
Michael Haneke
- GRGR(4)Question about Slothrop going under
Jill Adams
- Howdy, Ho, Keith, Gosh, Your, Looking, Swell
Michael Haneke
- Re. GRGR: dogs
David &/or Jane
- p-list then and now
Paul Mackin
- California uber alles
Thomas Eckhardt
- Funny Games
Michael Haneke
- Vineland II
Byrnes Weir
- Lineland II
Byrnes Weir
- freaks of nature
Paul Mackin
- Italian GR
Paul DiFilippo
- GRGR dogs WAS Fwd: Re: oops.
Doug Millison
- OFFLIST Re: OFFLIST Re: PynchonLand in Bad Fuckin' Decline, Baby
Doug Millison
- re PynchonLand in Decline...
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- GRGR(5): Playlist Addition...
RICHARD_WILSON at udlp.com
- Your Wish Is My Command, Mein Fuhrer David &/or Jane
Michael Haneke
- GRGR(4) Whappo
- the horror, the horror
- Tenebre
Michael Haneke
- Please excuse the interruption, but...
RHBOLLNGER at aol.com
- grgr dates &plato
Terrance F. Flaherty
- P&P and History
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Q
Benjamin G. Sayre
- Q
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Q
Benjamin G. Sayre
- Q
Mark Wright AIA
- The List
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- GRGR(5): schedule
- dogfish
Terrance F. Flaherty
- NP Computerized Method of Determining Authorship? (was Re: Q)
- human dog metaphors (1)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- A
Keith Woodward
- Eyes Wide Shut Is Only One Degree of Separation from the Old Man!
Michael Haneke
- human dog metaphors (2)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(5): Haensel & Gretel
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5): Dutch Culture
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5): Pudding & human respect
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5): fear
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5): "Odd, odd, odd -"
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5): Venus and Ariadne!
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5): Weissmann, Katje, Frenesi & Brock
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5): Weissmann & Heidegger
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5): German, once more
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- V2's and class-action suits
Robert L. Zamsky
- The Three Arseholes of Mike
Michael Haneke
- New issue of Pynchon Notes coming soon (it's at the printer)
John M. Krafft
- GRGR4: Details, Details
Mark Wright AIA
- I'm looking for an NY or NJ p-lister
Jeremy Osner
- The Fourth Arsehole of Mike: MalignD
Michael Haneke
- human dog metaphors (3)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- The Day of the Beast
Richard Romeo
- GRGR(5) War and sex
- Lost Touch
Michael D. Workman
- Praying to the Fourth Arsehole of Mike Brings Rain of Softsoap
Michael Haneke
- FW: The Fourth Arsehole of Mike: MalignD
David Morris
- Underworld Essays
Richard Romeo
- Baby, I Don't Care
Michael Haneke
- M&D-related background info
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5): Grimm on Blicero
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- [NP] Grass & beyond
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(5) Pavlov and Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- human dog metaphors (4)
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Ballade de list du temps jadis
- "sap from a tree"
Terrance F. Flaherty
- _Saucer Wisdom_
Doug Millison
- _Saucer Wisdom_ + Pynchon mention
Doug Millison
- GRGR(5): Grimm on Blicero//:: amateur translation
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- NP--for James Kyllo
- NP Hunting Alligators in Sewers
- GRGR(5) - Slothrop, the New World
David Morris
Last message date:
Wed Jun 30 22:32:32 CDT 1999
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:18:21 CST 2018
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).