GRGR(3) get the point?

rj rjackson at
Fri Jun 11 22:12:55 CDT 1999

> 2) W.A. possibly suggests "Wolfgang Amadeus"... so maybe this connects the P-man
> to the Rossini-Beethoven stuff later on...
Perhaps. Very Hanoverian though. I'd conjecture something like Walter
Albert -- good solid Anglo-Celtic names.

> also, Pointsman (as well as his up-coming epithet in slothrop's hallucination)
> sounds like an echo of Weissman...
> does anyone know the exact count of "_-man" named characters in the oeuvre? 
I've read somewhere that a pointsman is the guy or gal who switches the
railway track back and forth, and that there is a metaphor in this of
the Pavlovian conditioning (switching the brain neuron pathways between
those zeroes and ones) for which our good scientist has a predilection.
I once stayed up all night to watch a Danish or Schleswig-Holsteinian
movie called 'The Pointsman' to see if it was Pynchon-related. It
wasn't, I don't think, but it was a pretty weird movie nonetheless.

> 3) F.R.C.S. - don't know if this is an actual title abbrev - anyone know of one?
> ( best i could do was : Foreign Research Center Staff). phonetically it suggests
> "Frankenstein".

I've always had the suspicion that it might be Fellow of the Royal C...
(College?) of Science or Scientists or Surgeons, similar to the Royal
Society in _M&D_. I like "Frankenstein" though.

> 4) multiple middle initials are kind of uncommon. TRP would have known of Paul
> A. E. M. Dirac from his physics education. 

Suggests pride, family heritage, social stature. My dad had memorised
the given names of one of the English King or Prince Edwards of the
Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David
if memory serves.


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