GRGR(4) Assassins' Drug Of Choice

s~Z mcmullenm at
Fri Jun 18 08:54:55 CDT 1999

Main Entry: as·sas·sin
Pronunciation: &-'sa-s&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin assassinus, from Arabic hashshAshIn, plural of
hashshAsh one who smokes or chews hashish, from hashIsh
Date: circa 1520
1 capitalized : one of a secret order of Muslims that at the time of the
Crusades terrorized Christians and other enemies by secret murder
committed under the influence of hashish
2 : a person who commits murder; especially : one who murders a
politically important person either for hire or from fanatical motives 

It is said that the word assassin comes from the Arabic word haschishin
for hashish user. But Hassan and his followers didn't speak Arabic; they
were Persians. Assassin comes from Hassassin -- a follower of Hassan. 
Hassan, in fact, was a hashish prohibitionist. He argued that the
Koran's ban on alcohol was a ban on all intoxicants, so his assassins
were drug free terrorists. Except in the false Paradise where they were
served wine as one of the joys of heaven. So, it is desire for alcohol
not hashish that helped motivate the Assassins.

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