Air Clearing

MalignD at MalignD at
Wed Jun 23 08:10:25 CDT 1999

rj wrote:

<<While we're about it, what would you say of a lister who invents a new 
identity in order to converse with itself and thereby inflate both personas' 
profiles on-list? >>

I spent a Sunday being told by someone --mcmullen I think it was -- that I 
was someone I assuredly am not.  Millison seems to believe I'm the late 
lamented Mittelwerk because we both post from AOL (along with fifty million 
other people).  It's idiotic and a little exasperating (and, in fact, wrong), 
but no more than that.  And I recall someone a while back being caught out 
using a pseudonym, to no one's great harm.  

However, you write:

<<His/its painstaking and elaborate duplicity has been more than just a bit 
of a lark -- it's disturbing and unethical ...>>

If you believe that's so, then you should call him/her out, I guess.  
Personally, I think you may be making more of this than it merits, but that's 
not my call.  I feel certain, however, that implication and innuendo won't 
improve the health of things. 

<<This is an open letter to the personas involved (in fact, there may be more 
than two of you, come to think of it). Much of the disruption and 
unpleasantness and faction-fighting on-list in recent times is down to *you*. 

I'm not Millison.

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