GRGR(4): `only one', anal sex and fish

David Morris davidm at
Fri Jun 25 14:09:10 CDT 1999

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pynchon-l at [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at]On
Behalf Of Nicole Slagter
Sent: Friday, June 25, 1999 2:21 AM
To: pynchon-l at
Subject: GRGR(4): `only one', anal sex and fish

>From: "Terrance F. Flaherty" <Lycidas at>
>Subject: One, only one
>"You had thought of solipsism, and imagined the structure to
>be populated--on your level--by only, terribly, one."
>I'd appreciate any comments etc..


> From: s~Z <mcmullenm at>
> Forgive me for this, and analyze me if you must, butt I keep seeing
> references to anal sex in Pynchon's imagery....


>>From: jzog at (J. Herzog)
>>Subject: Re: Pisces and Poisson
>>David Morris wrote
>>"Here's another "why" question:  Why 'PISCES?'"
>>Perhaps PISCES resonates -- slightly -- with Poisson, which aside
>>from its statistical use means "fish" in French.
>>Andrew Walser:
>>A-and the native american word for pike fish in Wisconsin is...kenosha.

>Nicole Slagter:
>Well, before GRGR(4) ends: it struck me that these several themes
>which have been pointed out in the course of the discussion--that
>is, `one, only one', anal sex and all those fish references--could
>all be related to the myth of the Fisher King, also central to Eliot's
>_Waste Land_. From notes to the Waste Land (not Eliot's own):
>`... myth of the Fisher King, ruler of a Waste Land
>blighted by an evil spell which also rendered the King impotent.
>The salvation of King and country awaited the advent of a knight of
>fabulous virtue and courage, whose ordeals would provide answers for
>certain magical questions symbolic at once of religious purity and
>fertility. In connection with the Fisher King, Miss Weston emphasized the
>use of the fish as a symbol in early Christianity; the title "fishers of
>bestowed by Christ on his apostles; and the immemorial connection of the
>fish symbol with pagan fertility deities and their rituals.'
>In answer to Terrance: the reference to `one, only one' to me connects
>strongly to the Ark (`half an Ark's better than none') and suggests
>infertility to me. The point of having two of each after all was so that
>they could go forth and multiply. Same goes for anal sex: no offspring.
>The Waste Land: the strange murky place Slothrop arrives in, and by
>contemporary life in general--both the time of the setting, WWII, and of
>I mean. Slothrop `a knight of fabulous virtue and courage'? Hardly. Well
>... maybe that explains why he got away with his ass intact. Do his ordeals
>provide answers? That's for following GRGRs.

Wow!  This is a fantastic synthesis!  I love it (all except for the "ass
intact," butt I digress) as a unifying framework for Slothrop's ordeals.

Nicole, if you're for real (not another multiple-personality component),
please don't lurk so long out there.  We (or I at least) are here just for
this kind of observation.  Even if you're not for real, keep it up!


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