GRGR(5): note on Katje

Scott Badger lupine at
Tue Jun 1 02:57:21 CDT 1999

David Morris:
>Except, she may not have called the bombers down for other reasons.  She is
>noted for buying into the "Game" to some degree.  She always remains
>inscrutable, and in some ways autonomous.  In some ways, I think she is
>another personification of "V."  She exists on another level of "reality"
>and functions as some sort of "spiritual" agent.  What exactly are the
>of that existence?  Where did she come from before we meet her (other than
>as a descendant of Franz, 'cause, let's face it, we ALL are to some

I even read a bit of nobility in her refusal to present the DU with
information about SchuBstelle 3. Though I don't mean to suggest that Katje
was "in love" with Blicero, I do think she comes to recognize Blicero's
"measly little life", his humanity, and holds off the bombers for this
measly, but real, love that is simple recognition.

Rather than amoral, as has been suggested, I see Katje as repeatedly held in
tension between different moral levels - the individual vs. the greater
good.  A tension that displaces her between levels and causes her to
*appear* autonomous, while, in fact, it is her inability to limit herself to
a single moral directive that causes her apparent lack of moral compass.
And in this, I think, we find *her* humanity.  Maybe, though, as rj sez, I'm
just lookin for an excuse to like that Katje.

Scott Badger

PS  I also agree that the Jewish families were given - by the Dutch
undrground - to Katje to "smell out".  (105.15) "Wim and the others have
invested time and lives - three Jewish families".  Possibly (or possibly
not) vounteers even.  Part of the set-up to plant her.

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