Today's Pynchon name-drop in Salon

Richard Romeo richardromeo at
Tue Nov 30 14:33:46 CST 1999

forgot this one, Derek,  arather lame article about first novels. I hate 
this kind of shit--

"Not necessarily: Even when the world responds in a good way, the noise can 
threaten to creep into a writer's head and silence her talent. This is 
famously the case with writers like Thomas Pynchon and J.D. Salinger -- the 
latter told Joyce Maynard that he left New York because he couldn't stand 
going to one more cocktail party and having
someone come up and tell him about his characters."

>From: "Derek C. Maus" <dmaus at>
>To: Pynchon List <pynchon-l at>
>Subject: Today's Pynchon name-drop in Salon
>Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 12:27:58 -0500 (EST)
>Didn't somebody a few weeks back question the cultural capital to be
>gained by name-dropping Pynchon? Well, if Salon is any indication, then
>it's pretty damn valuable stuff, because they seem to do it about once a
>day...and occasionally even in a literary (if often somewhat questionable)
>context. 134 references turned up in a quick search of the site (although
>most of them seem to be doubles...that still leaves 67 references).
>Today's PRPR (Public Relations Pynchon Reference) is at
>"Welcome to big-league corporate naming, a Pynchonesque netherworld of
>dueling morphemes, identity buckets and full-scale linguistic sabotage."
>Derek C. Maus               | "What am I opposed to tell my customers?"
>dmaus at         | Swearingen said. "'Sorry, Washington says
>UNC-CH, Dept. of English    | no more fanny packs for you; time to spend
>  | your money on great works of literature'?
>                             | It doesn't work that way."   --THE ONION

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