M&D review on German TV

Lorentzen / Nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at t-online.de
Wed Nov 10 13:14:22 CST 1999

 Some minutes ago, in the programme "Kulturzeit" on the TV chanel "3sat", there 
 was an 3 minute film about Pynchon with web pages & documentary material on  
 V2. It focussed on GR. Then Dennis Scheck, critic of the "Deutschlandfunk", was 
 asked about M&D. Though there wasn't anything new for P-listers, it was nice to 
 see how enthusiastically he was praising the book. In the end he said: "Damn  
 it, that's what the nobel prize is made for! Every year that Thomas Pynchon   
 does not get ist, is another shame for us". My words ... KFL   

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