"Scientific American" Scientific?

Doug Millison millison at online-journalist.com
Wed Sep 15 19:00:21 CDT 1999

>> For a good laugh see Scientific American --a tabloid of
>> sensational supermarket counter crap. "Your Bionic Future"
>> "Head Transplants" "Design Your Own Baby" "Artificial Wombs"
>> and by far the worst article, "Mind and Machine" by Ray
>> Kurzweil

At 10:29 PM -0400 9/14/99, Patrick McCuller wrote:
>	Funny, I've never seen Scientific American in a supermarket checkout
>counter. Maybe where you live.
>	As for Kurzweil, his work in automatic book readers, speech
>synthesis, and
>continuous voice recognition is widely known. His use of computers to
>accomplish important real world tasks is undeniably brilliant, and I think
>he deserves a great deal of slack.

I haven't seen the SA cover yet, but if Terrence is right (and I have no
reason to doubt him), the headlines are a bit downmarket.

Granted Kurzweil's reputation and accomplishments, but is this article any
good? Surely we can judge writing on its own merits, regardless of the
author's reputation?

d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n

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