M&D - Tyburn Tree 'resurrections'

rj rjackson at mail.usyd.edu.au
Mon Sep 20 11:10:14 CDT 1999

s~Z s~Zniped:

> Can't help but wonder what TRP would think if he read this.

And then wrote:

> Because it is a very clear declaration of his lack of *belief* and his
> *expectations* of readers.

I guess taken out of context as you have done it is. But it was written
in response to Mark Wright's assertion (you're aware of the notion of
dialogue, are you?) that Pynchon

> doesn't believe in the reality of his
> fictional creations, or expect his readers to either.  

So, it was quite clearly implied that I was referring to his fictional
creations, not his personal belief system. Just as running down the
street with a camera to try and determine whether Pynchon goes into
Temple or the cathedral is reprehensible, I think that conjecture about
what he does and doesn't *personally* believe on the basis of literary
surmise is just as irresponsible. I sort of hold with that inalienable
constitutional right of yours about the right to privacy of faith (you
know, sandwiched in there somewhere between the inalienable right to go
off and shoot as many people as one pleases and the national prerogative
to invade Latin America at whim.)

Now *that's* a bait!


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