Hitler's Pope

Andignac, David DAndignac at apmtech.com
Thu Sep 30 13:02:50 CDT 1999

As a political entity, I fully understand that the office of the pope and
the pope himself can invite criticism for practically any move he makes. I
have no issue with any of the earlier posts concerning these worldy matters.

The post I was replying to seemed in my mind to shift the criticism from a
political to a spiritual level questioning the validity of the Pope or
office of the Pope for spiritual guidance. 

Perhaps I misunderstood the statement and it was actually saying that it was
disheartening that Catholics rely on the mediation of the Pope or his office
in a political sense. I can understand this statement a little better. 

I took mediation to mean the necessity of a third party to intercede between
one person and God. I have not had the honor of the Pope doing this for me

David A.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	s~Z [SMTP:keithmar at jetlink.net]
> Sent:	Thursday, September 30, 1999 1:06 PM
> To:	pynchon-l at waste.org
> Subject:	Re: Hitler's Pope
> "Andignac, David" wrote:
> > 
> >         How does my belief in a mediator for spiritual and sacramental
> > matters within the practive of my religion affect any of you in a
> negative
> > way? 
> It doesn't. I have no quarrel with anything you said in your post. The
> office of the pope takes things a bit further than your belief 'that God
> can work through others as well as through my own personal interaction
> with Him (sic) to bring me closer to Him (sic) and improve me as an
> individual.'

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