My Offlist Policy (as if you cared)

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed Sep 15 11:37:02 CDT 1999

More than one P-lister has suggested I risk missing out on valuable 
interaction w/ a "no offlist discussion" policy, which is probably true.  
For that reason I'll try to clarify/modify my personal "policy" as I 
responded to someone earlier today:

>>I appreciate all you say here, but my "policy" is born out of a perceived 
>>need for protection from "unstable" p-listers.  As you know, from time to 
>>time hostile characters, sometimes anonymous, sometimes rumoured to be 
>>"multiple personalities."  Some listers think they own this list and try 
>>to control other's posts.

I don't mean to rule out positive offlist interaction, but when someone has 
a "problem" with my posts, I want to keep it onlist.  Other than that, the 
only thing I'm wary of are wolves in sheep clothing, which I guess I'll 
hazard on a trial and error basis.

Thanks for your comments.  I'm really not that hostile nor paranoid, just 
trying to steer clear of the bullshit.<<

David Morris

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