CMBR & The Godhead

jporter jp4321 at
Wed Apr 26 23:17:15 CDT 2000

Certainly, it is no more than a coincidence that the cosmic microwave
background radiation (CMBR)- the residua of the 'Original Event' is 2.7281
degrees kelvin, and, the base of the natural logarithms, e, is 2.7182...
Their forms are quite similar:  2.7*8*  v.  2.7*8*  They differ by the
first two natural nimbers: 1 and 2 "dosey-doeing" around that mystical
Numero Ocho.

The 2.7281 degrees of the CMBR is a comparison of the universally
pervasive, almost uniform, heat bath, left over from the Original
Incandescence, with an arbitrarly chosen earthbound standard- the degree. A
kelvin (and celcius) degree is one of 100 equal temperature units between
the freezing and boiling points of water at sea level on earth. The CMBR is
equivalent to 2.7281 (or thereabouts, depending on the direction of
measure) of those arbitrary degrees. This 2.7281 is a wonderful example of
a local, arbitrary and, well, touchingly human attempt to take measure of
The Universal.

 The purely stochastic 2.7182..., or,  "e"  is the mathematician's best
entrance into the world of exponential growth and decay, and more
importantly, the law of diminishing returns. It represents the results of a
race to the death between exponential growth and the most infintesimal
sliver of ONE that can be imagined. In other words, if ONE is raised to the
infinite power, it is still ONE, but, if ONE plus the tiniest slice of ONE
mathematically imagineable is raised to the infinite power, the result is
equal to 2.7182.... So "e" represents the effect of the tiniest possible
unit of separate individual existence, raised to the infinite power.

You don't need to know where I'm going with this. There is no need to
understand or figure it out. It is, nonetheless, a fact and a coincidence
of our time, that the CMBR was only recently detected and measured (1965-
Penzias & Wilson- Bell Labs scientists, not Tennis Equip. manufacturers)
and essentially proved the theory of the big bang as the origin of
everything that is and ever will be, including our awareness of it. This
may be another example of The Anthropolgical Principle, or, it may be just
another box of rain.



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