Boomerang Dang Doodle

Archimedes, the Penguin In Bondage keithmar at
Thu Apr 27 12:16:39 CDT 2000

So they tossed a boomerang over the Antarctic and it came back with the
news. The universe is FLAT, sort of like cardboard they say. It won't
collapse on itself. It'll just keep on expanding until a certain POINT then
just fucking stop. And good news for all you Cainites out there. There just
isn't enough matter in the universe to account for these boomderanged
images. Still hope for not only Dark Matter, but Dark Energy as well. In
honor, here's a sacramental toast with black coffee.

Jeers y'all.

Cardboard Cutout Sundown
by Captain Beefheart

You hardly know a day goes by
in the cardboard cutout sundown
the moon popped up like a gallery duck
sipped up gold from the sunny cup
and longhorns sawed the buggy grass
and a cowboy blew a harp sitting on his chapped ass
and the prarie flowers didn’t look a bit queer
and the stars struck the sand cartwheeled
and poked in the prarie
a cactus juice stand the only place
the crows couldn’t land
the bluebottle flies were as big
as a cowboy’s eyes
and their buzz was as loud as rattlers
a fire engine red whistle blows raspberries
in a cloud of whipped steam
a tungle weed ran out black patent yarn stinkbug hoops
from above a living mail thriving dot
in perfect sympathy
with the cardboard cutout sundown
you hardly know a day goes by
in the cardboard cutout sundown

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