WWII in GR, And Me

MichaelB mjoking at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 16 11:59:11 CDT 2000

--- Mr. Monroe wrote:

'...insofar as we mention the Holocaust and related Nazi
atrocities.  Do not understand your ... vigor in this regard.  Have
found much else you've mentioned interesting, relevant, useful, even

The vigor in this regard stems from the fact that not only is 'the
holocaust' irrelevant to the structure content meaning and value of
Gravity's Rainbow but that 'the holocaust' itself as an historical
fact is boredom incarnate.  To go nitpicking around the Rainbow text,
sniffing out little phrases and little words and by some (though none
too potent) stretch of the imagination sewing them together into a
web of Intention by the author is as interesting and pertinent to the
totality of the text as is me picking dingleberries out of my ass.

Ooo, look!  On page 47 I found the letter 'm'!  And on page 163 the
letter 'a'!  And on page 479 the letter 'b'!  Those are my
initials....and IN ORDER!  --I must do a thorough rereading, a total
revaluation of the Rainbow, because clearly Pynchon was writing about


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