carry on

Doug Millison millison at
Mon Aug 28 17:39:43 CDT 2000

Noticed my name in a few posts in the list digests. FYI, I'm going on 
vacation and I'll let you guys take the ball for awhile now.

It might be interesting to see rj's response to Otto who has 
suggested the same reading of GR's opening that I offered last year 
at the beginning of GRGR, the post which first drew rj's categorical 
denial that Pynchon had included the Holocaust in GR; rj has had to 
cede quite a bit of ground since that time, in the face of the 
undeniable facts that Pynchon has quite obviously covered the 
Holocaust in some depth in GR and that many readers can't help but 
notice the Holocaust references therein.

Frankly, rj was a lot funnier when he were accusing me and Hollander 
of hacking into his PC, sabotaging the P-list archives, working for 
the CIA, and beaming radio broadcasts into his brain, in that 
embarrassing little meltdown last year. (If you newbies don't believe 
it, just ask an oldtimer for a copy of rj's offlist posts that were 
circulating back then; you'll get a good sense of rj's capabilities 
if you read some of the "Chuckles the Clown" posts he offered up last 
year -- they're in the archives I'm sure. ) Although I must admit 
rj's recent suggestion that Monroe is the one who's ill-mannered 
prompted the biggest belly laugh I've enjoyed for some time.  rj, 
you're quite the comic.  You've really got that Big Lie thing nailed.

I know better than to suggest you treat each other nice. Morris said 
it well, you're  tough guys. Well, you create the discussion you 
deserve so go for it.

Have fun,

d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n  <>

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