VV(5) - Impersonations & Dreams

jill grladams at teleport.com
Mon Dec 4 21:51:47 CST 2000

Thank you David for this discussion,

If Stencil is a portrait of Pynchon, then I wonder, what the source of
diaries-as-subject is. I wonder if there are some diaries in his own family
that he read. What I know about his family I heard back on MDMD. 

Dreams. Ah, dreams are what happens on mirror time. They are a reflection,
a distortion of the day's events if not the events of one's collective
knowlege. But they might be in the incorrect order, or have people speaking
to each other who would never have spoken, or in some such way as for us to
have a wake-up call to see flaws.

And as far as stories go, are any of them intentional? You don't have to
admit to dreams though. Impersonations are shared. Dreams are all by


David Morris wrote
> Consider the difference between impersonations and dreams.  Impersonation is 
> a conscious deception.  It is an act meant to convince.  It is calculated 
> for a desired end.  Dreams, though, are supposed to be the 
> prima-unintentional story-telling.  They might even be called 
> "anti-intentional" stories.  As antidotes to the intentional dreams might be 
> seen as messages from the beyond.

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