VV(5) - Impersonations & Dreams

Lorentzen / Nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at t-online.de
Tue Dec 5 01:45:28 CST 2000

jill schrieb:

> Thank you David for this discussion,

   & thank you david for that beautiful haiku some days ago!

> Impersonations are shared. Dreams are all by
> yourself.

        are you sure? once heard somebody convincingly reporting that he met 
        with someone intentionally in a shared dream. guess it requires some 
        kind of "dream-control" in the sense of kenneth grant or carlos 
        castaneda. anyone for more? 

> David Morris wrote
> > Consider the difference between impersonations and dreams.  Impersonation
>  is 
> > a conscious deception.  It is an act meant to convince.  It is calculated 
> > for a desired end.  Dreams, though, are supposed to be the 
> > prima-unintentional story-telling.  They might even be called 
> > "anti-intentional" stories.  As antidotes to the intentional dreams might
>  be 
> > seen as messages from the beyond.

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