
Michael Perez studiovheissu at
Sat Feb 19 18:17:48 CST 2000

Hernán quoted:
""As an empty concert hall does not sound right, the audience seems to
be a necessary thing"

A. Schönberg (quoted by Hans Bunge, "Fragen Sie mehr über Brecht: Hanns
Eisler im Gespräch" (Munich, Roger & Bernhard; 1970), p. 43

This was in response to Kai's quote from Adorno on the relationship of
modern music and the "self-satisfied needs of the bourgeois audience
those" . . . "who can pay a seat and want to prove their culture to

Well, Schönberg certainly had trouble with audiences and critics as is
well known!  This type of reactions, of course, still occur today. 
When I went to a concert of Witold Lutoslawski's music, which he was
conducting himself (some time in the early 90s, I think), some of the
subscribers chose to show their distaste for this wonderful music by
loudly, arrogantly, and rudely walking out on the performance.  These
troglodytes of what I call the "mink and tuxedo set" have little of the
culture and refinement that they attribute themselves.  They make me
ill and I haven't been to an orchestra concert since.


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