Return to Forever

BICKMAN MARTIN bickman at Colorado.EDU
Wed Jan 5 11:21:52 CST 2000

I joined and then left this list a while back because of the huge quantity
of messages that had very little to do with Thomas Pynchon, like the
below.  I decided to rejoin since I began rereading GR, and there turned
out to be some very promising stuff on the group reading; now it seems
we're back to pretty extraneous stuff, stuff that at least one member has
reasonably suggested might be better discussed back channel. Looks like
I'll be signing off again soon.
Marty Bickman

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000 calbert at wrote:

> CD now has just confirmed that I CANNOT have a copy of 
> ROMANTIC WARRIOR, after a 5 month wait.
> If anyone on the list could provide me with a clean copy on tape, I'd 
> be pleased to return same of
> What Do You Want From Live - The Tubes
> Nobody Said It was Easy - The Four Horesmen
> We're the Meatmen, and You Suck - The Meatmen
> or any other tasteful selection from my library.
> love,
> cfa

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