GRGR(30) - Thanatz, The Fool

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed Jul 5 15:35:42 CDT 2000

(667.23) The white Anubis, gone on to salvation.  Back here, in her wake, 
are the preterite […] “I wasn’t supposed to be left with your discards….” 
[….] “I lost my footing.”
This is Thanatz, under the aspect of Slothrop, The Fool.

An earlier post:
In the tarot sequence, the Fool represents the lowest rung of worldly
status. (In fact, he is not on the ladder at all!) He corresponds to the 
beggar (misero) in the Tarocchi of Mantegna. He is the very antithesis of 
power and achievement. He is without accomplishment, without influence, 
without even the necessities of self-preservation. He stands in contrast to 
the first numbered trump, the Bagatto or Juggler. This character has learned 
to use his wits to attain some modicum of control over his environment. The 
Fool, on the other hand, has no capacity for the Bagatto's opportunistic 
type of cleverness. The Fool lives moment to moment, connecting to his 
physical environment through his emotions and moods. He is also poised in 
contrast to the Pope, the highest of the figures of human society depicted 
in the tarot. The tarot was created in the late Renaissance, as the seeds of
the Reformation were beginning to emerge. No doubt there was a consciousness 
of the hypocrisy of the Pope, who preached humility but wielded enormous 
wealth and political power. The Fool is a counterpoint to the Pope, 
powerless but ironically closer to God.

>From Kai:

on the card of the rider/waite deck you see a young man who, while walking   
into a precipice, keeps his eyes in the air. in his left hand he is holding 
a   rose. the white dog, which is barking at his feet, looks a little like 

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