
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
Fri Jun 16 12:02:24 CDT 2000

Muchasmasgracias at cs.com writes:

I read a good phrase once that may apply to Derrida:  
 trying to tap-dance while wearing leg-irons.

And since I see that he's been mentioned elsewhere in this thread, I guess I 
should add that it was McLuhan who wrote this, although I can't remember 
which book.  And he said it in reference to Martin H. and Hegel, which kind 
of drags Derrida into the rebuke as well.  Derrida harps on logocentrism a 
lot for somebody who writes so much heavily prolix prose.  I wonder if it 
ever occurred to him to take up drawing or enroll in a dance class?

And McLuhan was all over logocentrism, though I'm not sure he ever used the 
term.  He (paradoxically?) mostly wrote books too.

One more thing:  did somebody in this thread mention the existence of 
PHONOcentric philosophy?  Who might that be?  Blake?  Parmenides?  Pynchon?  
Anybody?  Aren't philosophers usually trying to squeeze aesthetics (e.g. mere 
considerations of sound) out of their work?

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