June 2000 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jun 1 00:06:34 CDT 2000
Ending: Fri Jun 30 23:59:07 CDT 2000
Messages: 907
- Hello? Hello?
Mark Wright AIA
- grgr (28): cosmic windmill mandala (--- "graphicity" in pynchon's prose)
Mark Wright AIA
- Fwd: Re: GRGR(28): Pirate's airplane
Mark Wright AIA
- italics and caps
Mark Wright AIA
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
Mark Wright AIA
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Mark Wright AIA
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Mark Wright AIA
- Question
Mark Wright AIA
- GRGR(30) 'Alarming'et alia
Mark Wright AIA
Vivek Ahlawat
- American Colonialism
Conrad Anexoukai Apexou
- Cheese Whiz Anyone?
- Wolfe
- Wolfe
- cross-eyed Sabastian and headless Mary
- Alligators in NY
- Question
- is it ok to be luddite?
Michael Baum
- is it ok to be luddite
Michael Baum
- PDOT -- Problems with the Baby Jesus? Say wha?
Michael Baum
- Back on topic?
Frank Blau
- Sinners/Saints/Stones
Frank Blau
- Memory failure
Kevin Brown
- Logosatanism
Kevin Brown
- PDOT -- Problems with the Baby Jesus? Say wha?
Kevin Brown
- Rocket riddle
A. Chesnick
- senex & puer
Coffey, Mitchell R
- gore vidal article
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Nazi ideology
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Nazi ideology
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Nazi ideology
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Nazi ideology
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Nazi ideology
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Nazi ideology
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Nazi ideology
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Wolfe
Coffey, Mitchell R
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
Coffey, Mitchell R
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
Coffey, Mitchell R
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
Coffey, Mitchell R
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Body armor bullshit
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Body armor bullshit
Coffey, Mitchell R
- it's too late but still late ...
Coffey, Mitchell R
- is there anybody in there?
Coffey, Mitchell R
- Holocaust apologist wins German literary prize
Coffey, Mitchell R
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Coffey, Mitchell R
- NP-An Unfortunate Woman
Thomas Colin
- Memory failure
Thomas Colin
- Memory failure
Thomas Colin
- Fish?
- Harvard's Teddy
- The Quest and the Grail
Robert Daland
- The Quest and the Grail
Robert Daland
- Did I Meet Pynchon?
Eric D. Dixon
- The Quest and the Grail
Thomas Eckhardt
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Thomas Eckhardt
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Thomas Eckhardt
- new journalism WAS Re: Wolfe
Richard Fiero
- is it ok to be luddite
Richard Fiero
- Logocentrism
Richard Fiero
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Richard Fiero
- Melville's Kid's
Lear's Fool
- Hermans Kids
Lear's Fool
- "globalized" elite the next generation of P readers
Paulo Freire
- Richard Powers's latest,
Curt Hagenlocher
- Hilarius
- FD2K
- Holy Translation! (RV: cross-eyed Sabastian and headless Mary)
- Translation II
- GRGR: Chewing bark?
- Kids
- Bottom Line
- Hello? Hello?
Christine Karatnytsky
- More poems for Slothrops.
Christine Karatnytsky
- Captive's Tale
Christine Karatnytsky
- explanation part 2
Christine Karatnytsky
- Suffer The Children
Christine Karatnytsky
- apology/explanation part 1
Josh Kortbein
- PMS & P&H
Josh Kortbein
- GRGR(28): The Row
Josh Kortbein
- explanation part 2
Josh Kortbein
- Fish?
Josh Kortbein
- is it ok to be luddite
Josh Kortbein
- Have you seen this man?
John M. Krafft
- GRGR(28): Pirate's airplane
James Kyllo
- GRGR(29): The Colonel's Dream
James Kyllo
- Bartok
Glen Luckjiff
- Erickson
Steve Maas
- All roads lead to the captain.
Steve Maas
- Tex Beneke obit
Paul Mackin
- Hemingway and Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(28): Hund-Stadt
Paul Mackin
- Hemingway and Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- Hemingway and Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- Hello? Hello?
Paul Mackin
- Hemingway and Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- PMS & P&H
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(28) -- More Questions for first section
Paul Mackin
- Fw: Goulash Socialism (was Bartok)
Paul Mackin
- Nazi ideology
Paul Mackin
- grgr (28): cosmic windmill mandala (--- "graphicity" in pynchon's prose)
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(28): Bette Davis and Margaret Dumont
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(28): Bette Davis and Margaret Dumont
Paul Mackin
- Pigs Proscribed
Paul Mackin
- gore vidal article
Paul Mackin
- Pigs Proscribed
Paul Mackin
- Mr. Vidal's case
Paul Mackin
- Nazi ideology
Paul Mackin
- Nazi ideology
Paul Mackin
- Nazi ideology
Paul Mackin
- Pynch's Caps; Was (Re: Mr. Vidal's case)
Paul Mackin
- American Colonialism
Paul Mackin
- Fish?
Paul Mackin
- Nazi ideology
Paul Mackin
- italics and caps
Paul Mackin
- NP Gates WAS RE: Nazi ideology
Paul Mackin
- NP Evaluating Hitler (was Re: Nazi ideology)
Paul Mackin
- NP Gates WAS RE: Nazi ideology
Paul Mackin
- Wolfe
Paul Mackin
- Religion. Luddites. What a mess.
Paul Mackin
- Wolfe
Paul Mackin
- is it ok to be luddite
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(29): Some Are "E"
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(29): Some Are "E"
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(29): Roger's mission
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(29): Roger's mission
Paul Mackin
- Stockpiled weapons???
Paul Mackin
- Stockpiled weapons???
Paul Mackin
- Stockpiled weapons???
Paul Mackin
- Stockpiled weapons???
Paul Mackin
- Stockpiled weapons???
Paul Mackin
- The Quest and the Grail
Paul Mackin
- Stockpiled weapons???
Paul Mackin
- The Quest and the Grail
Paul Mackin
- The Quest and the Grail
Paul Mackin
- is there anybody in there?
Paul Mackin
- Logocentrism
Paul Mackin
- Henry Adams on TV
Paul Mackin
- Henry Adams on TV
Paul Mackin
- Logocentrism
Paul Mackin
- Logocentrism
Paul Mackin
- GRGR re: Logocentrism
Paul Mackin
- Derrida
Paul Mackin
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Paul Mackin
- "Pure" marxism - what the hell is this?
Paul Mackin
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Paul Mackin
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Paul Mackin
- Jameson and Deconstruction
Paul Mackin
- Henry Adams
Paul Mackin
- Holy Translation! (RV: cross-eyed Sabastian and headless Mary)
Paul Mackin
- Logocentrism
Paul Mackin
- Logocentrism
Paul Mackin
- Logocentrism
Paul Mackin
- Logocentrism
Paul Mackin
- Europa
Paul Mackin
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- Ernst Nolte
Paul Mackin
- Ernst Nolte
Paul Mackin
- Ernst Nolte
Paul Mackin
- Ernst Nolte and the Free University of Berlin
Paul Mackin
- Kids
Paul Mackin
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Paul Mackin
- sly dogs
Paul Mackin
- Kids
Paul Mackin
- Kids
Paul Mackin
- Kids
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(30): The Vacuum
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(30): The Golden Bitch
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(30): Rehearsal
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(30) 'Alarming'et alia
Paul Mackin
- Heidegger
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(30) 'Alarming'et alia
Paul Mackin
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Paul Mackin
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Paul Mackin
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Paul Mackin
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Paul Mackin
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Paul Mackin
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Paul Mackin
- JS
Paul Mackin
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(30) 'Alarming'et alia
Paul Mackin
- suggested loyalty oath for the p-list
Paul Mackin
- PDOT -- Problems with the Baby Jesus? Say wha?
Paul Mackin
- suggested loyalty oath for the p-list
Paul Mackin
- urology
Paul Mackin
- urology
Paul Mackin
- Suggestion
Paul Mackin
- Hemingway and Pynchon
Derek C. Maus
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
Derek C. Maus
- Question
Derek C. Maus
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Derek C. Maus
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Derek C. Maus
- Bottom Line
Derek C. Maus
- Bottom Line
Derek C. Maus
- Pirate's airplane
Dave Meury
- Logocentrism
Dave Meury
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Dave Meury
- Suggestion
Dave Meury
- Nazi ideology
- Did I Meet Pynchon?
- Heidegger
- Heidegger
- Heidegger
- Pig-related
Doug Millison
- NP: globalization & colonization WAS Re: Translation II
Doug Millison
- Pigs Proscribed
Doug Millison
- NP - couldn't resist
Doug Millison
- NP Gates WAS RE: Nazi ideology
Doug Millison
- new journalism WAS Re: Wolfe
Doug Millison
- journalism WAS Re: Wolfe
Doug Millison
- Pynchalike alert!
Doug Millison
- Stockpiled weapons???
Doug Millison
- Henry Adams on TV
Doug Millison
- Henry Adams on TV
Doug Millison
- new PN issue
Doug Millison
- PN 42-43
Doug Millison
- GRGR re: Logocentrism
Doug Millison
- Richard Powers's latest,
Doug Millison
- GR and the Holocaust
Doug Millison
- re GRGR Logocentrism
Doug Millison
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Doug Millison
- OFFLIST Re: On a Moderated P-lst (WAS: Logocentrism)
Doug Millison
- OFFLIST Re: On a Moderated P-lst (WAS: Logocentrism)
Doug Millison
- RV: PN 42-43
Doug Millison
- Pynchon mention
Doug Millison
- Holocaust apologist wins German literary prize
Doug Millison
- Question
Doug Millison
- Kids
Doug Millison
- Question
Doug Millison
- another reclusive writer
Doug Millison
- blame it on PoMo
Doug Millison
- subawanean
Doug Millison
- Heidegger
Doug Millison
- JS; Pynchon's predelictions WAS re Kids
Doug Millison
- JS
Doug Millison
- JS
Doug Millison
- Pynchon's weaknesses
Doug Millison
- Ken Wilber WAS Re: blame it on PoMo
Doug Millison
- postmodernism
Doug Millison
- another resource Re: postmodernism
Doug Millison
- more PoMo resources
Doug Millison
- JS
Doug Millison
- Pynchon's weaknesses
Doug Millison
- Pynchon's weaknesses
Doug Millison
- A substantial group reading of V.
Doug Millison
- JS
Doug Millison
- Pynchon in Poland
Robert i Monika
- Fw: Pynchon in Poland
Robert i Monika
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Logocentrism
Dave Monroe
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
Dave Monroe
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- (no subject)
Dave Monroe
- syncretic streamings (--- or: body, gnosis & human adventure)
Dave Monroe
- Ernst Nolte
Dave Monroe
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- The Bottom Line ...
Dave Monroe
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Ernst Nolte
Dave Monroe
- Kids
Dave Monroe
- Bottom Line
Dave Monroe
- Kids
Dave Monroe
- Kids
Dave Monroe
- Ernst Nolte
Dave Monroe
- [np] derrida in frankfurt
Dave Monroe
- 0=2
Dave Monroe
- JS; Pynchon's predelictions WAS re Kids
Dave Monroe
- blame it on PoMo
Dave Monroe
- Kids
Dave Monroe
- blame it on PoMo
Dave Monroe
- Ken Wilber WAS Re: blame it on PoMo
Dave Monroe
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Dave Monroe
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Dave Monroe
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Dave Monroe
- Kids
Dave Monroe
- postmodernism
Dave Monroe
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
Dave Monroe
- PDOT -- Problems with the Baby Jesus? Say wha?
Dave Monroe
- Can't we all just get along ...
Dave Monroe
- BroomHilda
Dave Monroe
- JS
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's weaknesses
Dave Monroe
- fitzgerald (was: Can't we all just get along ...)
Dave Monroe
- Suggestion
Dave Monroe
- col49, wedding present (was: A Note To P-Listers)
David Morris
- GRGR(28): Bette Davis and Margaret Dumont
David Morris
- GRGR(28): Bette Davis and Margaret Dumont
David Morris
- Pigs Proscribed
David Morris
- Pigs Proscribed
David Morris
- GRGR(28) - Pigs & Pussy 1
David Morris
- GRGR(28) - Pigs & Pussy 2
David Morris
- Pynch's Caps; Was (Re: Mr. Vidal's case)
David Morris
- grgr (28): cosmic windmill mandala (--- "graphicity" in pynchon's prose)
David Morris
- Pigmoms
David Morris
- explanation part 2
David Morris
- if it hurts when you do that........
David Morris
- GRGR(28): The Mandrake Root
David Morris
- Tyrone's Race
David Morris
- Proscriptive Mercy
David Morris
- GR(28) - Some Themes
David Morris
- GR(28) - Some Themes
David Morris
- GRGR(28) - The Origins of Music
David Morris
- Wolfe
David Morris
- Wolfe
David Morris
- Wolfe
David Morris
- Pynchon dwelling?
David Morris
- is it ok to be luddite
David Morris
- is it ok to be a sea shepherd?
David Morris
- GRGR(29): Some Are "E"
David Morris
- new journalism WAS Re: Wolfe
David Morris
- new journalism WAS Re: Wolfe
David Morris
- is it ok to be luddite
David Morris
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
David Morris
- "Creative" paranoia
David Morris
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
David Morris
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
David Morris
- Stockpiled weapons???
David Morris
- Stockpiled weapons???
David Morris
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
David Morris
- cross-eyed Sabastian and headless Mary
David Morris
- Logocentrism
David Morris
- Logocentrism
David Morris
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
David Morris
- On a Moderated P-lst (WAS: Logocentrism)
David Morris
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
David Morris
- Question
David Morris
- The Gnostic Pynchon
David Morris
- The Gnostic Pynchon
David Morris
- Question
David Morris
- Question
David Morris
- The Gnostic Pynchon
David Morris
- Caviar Empty
David Morris
- Question
David Morris
- Question
David Morris
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1270
David Morris
- kids
David Morris
- GRGR(30) - Cicum-Logo-Centrism
David Morris
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
David Morris
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
David Morris
- Kids
David Morris
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
David Morris
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
David Morris
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
David Morris
- JS
David Morris
- GRGR(30) - Qlippoth
David Morris
- GRGR(30) - Qlippoth (Long)
David Morris
- urology
David Morris
- GRGR(30) - Blackness
David Morris
- GRGR(30) - On Stolen Horses
David Morris
- Hemingway and Pynchon
Henry Musikar
- quartets (was: Bartok)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- col49, wedding present (was: A Note To P-Listers)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- senex & puer
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- grgr (28): "frölich" (624)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- grgr (28): cosmic windmill mandala (--- "graphicity" in pynchon's prose)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- m&d, historically
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- [np] faz english edition online now
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- pussy-eating (was: RE: Pigs Proscribed)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- pussy-eating (was: RE: Pigs Proscribed)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- is it ok to be luddite?
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(28) willst du V-2 dann arbeite
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Fish?
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- beyond technocrazy (was: explanation part 2)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- v o r t e x //: grgr (28): cosmic windmill mandala (--- "graphicity" in pynchon's prose)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- is it ok to be luddite
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- is there anybody in there?
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- it's too late but still late ...
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- there's a lady i know ...
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Logocentrism
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- swine
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- grgr (29): pain city
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Logocentrism
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR re: Logocentrism
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- 22 books from the twentieth century
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- The Quest and the Grail
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Stupid Stuff
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1259
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- The Quest and the Devil (or Logosatanism)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- syncretic streamings (--- or: body, gnosis & human adventure)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Kids
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- "let's save all the children!" (marvin gaye: what's going on)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- byron the bulb as short story
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1270
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- grgr: draw a distinction!
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Pierce Inverarity--Faked Death?
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- [np] derrida in frankfurt
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- 0=2
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(30): Projection
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Heidegger
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Kids
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- JS
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- JS
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- fitzgerald (was: Can't we all just get along ...)
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- urology
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- JS
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- Stockpiled weapons???
Robert Norton
- Body armor bullshit
Robert Norton
- GRGR(28): Hund-Stadt
Jeremy Osner
- Fwd: Re: GRGR(28): Wired Pair
Jeremy Osner
- Pig Orgasms
Jeremy Osner
- Be civilized
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28): Putative conspiracies
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28): Pirate's airplane
Jeremy Osner
- grgr (28): cosmic windmill mandala (--- "graphicity" in pynchon's prose)]
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28): Bette Davis and Margaret Dumont
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28): Bette Davis and Margaret Dumont
Jeremy Osner
- grgr (28): cosmic windmill mandala (---"graphicity" in pynchon's prose)
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28) willst du V-2 dann arbeite
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28): Bette Davis and Margaret Dumont
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28): Bette Davis and Margaret Dumont
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28): The Row
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28) Tone Row
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28): Gustav vs. Saeure
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28) Sacred Music
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(28): The Mandrake Root
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(29): Some Are "E"
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(29): Some Notes
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(29): Some Are "E"
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(29): Jessica backfires
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(29): Roger's mission
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(29): Us and Them
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(29): The Colonel's Dream
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(29): Profiling
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(29): Whose dream was it?
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(29): The Colonel's Dream
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(29): The Colonel's Dream -- dacoits
Jeremy Osner
- Question
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(30): The Golden Bitch
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(30): Rehearsal
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(30): Projection
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(30): The Vacuum
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(30): The Vacuum
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(30): Rehearsal
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(30) 'Alarming'
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(30) 'Alarming'et alia
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(30) - On Stolen Horses
Jeremy Osner
- A Note To P-Listers
- site launch
- is it ok to be luddite
- Body armor bullshit
Robert Pirani
- GRGR(30) 'Alarming'et alia
Robert Pirani
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Robert Pirani
- Roger Moore the Octopus Opens Jam Jar In a Minute
Jedrzej Polak
- FW: Translation II
Jedrzej Polak
- is it ok to be luddite
Jedrzej Polak
- is it ok to be luddite
Jedrzej Polak
- is it ok to be luddite
Jedrzej Polak
- is it ok to be luddite
Jedrzej Polak
- is it ok to be luddite
Jedrzej Polak
- is it ok to be luddite
Jedrzej Polak
- Bartok
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Bartok
Heikki Raudaskoski
- GRGR(28): Bette Davis and Margaret Dumont
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Wolfe
Heikki Raudaskoski
- RV: PN 42-43
Heikki Raudaskoski
- JS
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Ernst Nolte
- Ernst Nolte
- Pig Orgasms
Richard Romeo
- A Poem for the Slothrops
Richard Romeo
- NP--The Family
Richard Romeo
- Tyrone's Race
Richard Romeo
- Nazi ideology
Richard Romeo
- Tyrone's Race
Richard Romeo
- Simon Newcomb
Richard Romeo
- Stockpiled weapons???
Richard Romeo
- Steve Erickson--NP
Richard Romeo
- Those little black squares
Richard Romeo
- American Magic and Dread
Richard Romeo
- Richard Powers's latest,
Richard Romeo
- Logocentrism
Richard Romeo
- Did I Meet Pynchon?/Eric's Trip
Richard Romeo
- Satantango
Richard Romeo
- Question
Richard Romeo
- An Observation
Richard Romeo
- While at the Movies Last Night
Richard Romeo
- Pynchon's weaknesses
Richard Romeo
- Doug and Malign
Richard Romeo
Richard Romeo
- www.subterran.com - making the world a little smaller &c. &c. &c.
Jeff Ross
- 2 questions for the WE.
Michel Ryckx
- Mr. Vidal's case
Michel Ryckx
- Religion. Luddites. What a mess.
Michel Ryckx
- "Pure" marxism - what the hell is this?
Michel Ryckx
- Logocentrism
Michel Ryckx
- Kids
Michel Ryckx
- Ernst Nolte
Michel Ryckx
- GRGR(30) 'Alarming'et alia
Michel Ryckx
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Michel Ryckx
- Apologies
Michel Ryckx
- Please help me for my assignment
Toshiyuki Sakabe
- The Crying of Lot 49
Toshiyuki Sakabe
- postmodernism
Toshiyuki Sakabe
- Thanks!
Toshiyuki Sakabe
- Translation off topic
- It was good for Charlston Heston so it�s good enough for me (was RV: cross-eyed Sabastian and headless Mary)
- Holy Translation! (RV: cross-eyed Sabastian and headless Mary)
- RV: PN 42-43
- Byron the Bulb site--
Otto Sell
- col49, wedding present
Otto Sell
- Re: grgr (28): "frölich" (624)
Otto Sell
- pussy-eating (was: RE: Pigs Proscribed)
Otto Sell
- italics
Otto Sell
- GRGR(28) willst du V-2 dann arbeite
Otto Sell
- is it ok to be luddite?
Otto Sell
- GRGR(28) willst du V-2 dann arbeite
Otto Sell
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
Otto Sell
- Stockpiled weapons???
Otto Sell
- audio-cd
Otto Sell
- Logocentrism
Otto Sell
- is there anybody in there?
Otto Sell
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Otto Sell
- GRGR re: Logocentrism
Otto Sell
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Otto Sell
- Logosatanism
Otto Sell
- Logocentrism
Otto Sell
- Luddism (or the contrary)
Otto Sell
- Holocaust apologist wins German literary prize
Otto Sell
- Kids
Otto Sell
- Ernst Nolte
Otto Sell
- Question
Otto Sell
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Otto Sell
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Otto Sell
- Steve Erickson--NP
Sidhu, Ranbir
- Wired Pair
David Simpson
- The Great Dying
David Simpson
- Stanley Fish
David Simpson
- GRGR(28): The Mandrake Root
- lots of fun at at the end of the rainbow
Dermot Stoney
- new journalism WAS Re: Wolfe
Timothy Strzechowski
- Vineland Query
Timothy Strzechowski
- postmodernism
Timothy Strzechowski
- suggested loyalty oath for the p-list
Timothy Strzechowski
- Suggestion
Timothy Strzechowski
- Pig Orgasms
J Suete
- Hemingway and Pynchon
J Suete
- when I was fifteen, oh, I knew it was over
J Suete
- Be civilized
J Suete
- PMS & P&H
J Suete
- What did you call the War, daddy?
J Suete
- What did you call the War, daddy?
J Suete
- PMS & Pynchon & Hemingway
J Suete
- Pigs Proscribed
J Suete
- grgr (28): cosmic windmill mandala (--- "graphicity" in pynchon's prose)
J Suete
- Pigs Proscribed
J Suete
- Pigs Proscribed
J Suete
- Translation II
J Suete
- Pigs Proscribed
J Suete
- Pigmoms
J Suete
- Proscriptive Mercy
J Suete
- Holy Pigs
J Suete
- Wolfe
- Wolfe
- George Will
- Wolfe EKAT (1)
- Wolfe EKAT (2)
- Wolfe EKAT (3)
- Tyrone's Race
- Wolfe
- double-dog darin' the sun
- the sun is falling chicken little
- the sun is falling chicken little
- Wolfe
- Fish????
- Is it OK to Do it to Julia?
- is it ok to be a sea shepherd?
- Why cuxhaven?
- Fish????
- "Creative" paranoia
- GRGR(29): Roger's mission
- "Creative" paranoia
- GRGR(29): Roger's mission
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
- Stockpiled weapons???
- The Quest and the Grail
- Two little baby Christ Jesuses
- Stockpiled weapons???
- The Quest and the Grail
- cross-eyed Sabastian and headless Mary
- is there anybody in there?
- Logocentrism
- Henry Adams on TV
- Those little black squares
- PoststructuralistPynchon
- cross-eyed Sabastian and headless Mary
- Logocentrism
- The Quest and the Grail
- Logocentrism
- The Quest and the Grail
- Derrida
- Logocentrism.a
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
- Stupid Stuff
- Stupid Stuff
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
- Holy Translation! (RV: cross-eyed Sabastian and headless Mary)
- Logocentrism
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- grgr (29): pain city
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
- Father, Son and and Holy Atropos GR.643
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- Kids
- kids
- syncretic streamings (--- or: body, gnosis & human adventure)
- Gnostic Pynchon
- An Observation
- Kids
- Question
- Ernst Nolte
- Ernst Nolte
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- The Bottom Line ...
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- Bottom Line
- Kids
- Kids
- Bottom Line
- Kids
- Kids
- Kids
- Kids
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
- Kids
- THE word
- NP THE word
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
- Kids
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
- BroomHilda
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
- Nazi ideology
Spencer Thiel
- Wolfe
Spencer Thiel
- is it ok to be luddite
Spencer Thiel
- Back on Topic?
Spencer Thiel
- Ernst Nolte
Spencer Thiel
- Ernst Nolte
Spencer Thiel
- Ernst Nolte
Spencer Thiel
- postmodernism
Spencer Thiel
- Dr. Seuss WWII cartoons
Spencer Thiel
- Follow up: Dr. Seuss WWII cartoons
Spencer Thiel
- what's the schedule again?
Seb Thirlway
- is it ok to be luddite?
Seb Thirlway
- Stockpiled weapons???
Vaska Tumir
- Ernst Nolte
Vaska Tumir
- Ernst Nolte and the Free University of Berlin
Vaska Tumir
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Vaska Tumir
- Kids
Vaska Tumir
- sly dogs
Vaska Tumir
- Kids
Vaska Tumir
- Heidegger
Vaska Tumir
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Vaska Tumir
- PDOT -- Problems with the Baby Jesus? Say wha?
Vaska Tumir
- Comprising confrontations in _GR_
Vaska Tumir
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
Vaska Tumir
- where Pynch once lived ....
John Verity
- m&d, historically
Domine Vobiscuits
- Tyrone's Race
Tbone Walker
- Tyrone's Race
Tbone Walker
- Goulash Capitalism
Daniel Wolf
- This little light of mine...
Daniel Wolf
- Thurn & Taxis Beer
Daniel Wolf
- Nazi ideology
Kevin Won
- NP Gates WAS RE: Nazi ideology
Kevin Won
- what's the schedule again?
Eric Zumbach
- Wolfe
Cjhurtt6 at aol.com
- Nazi ideology
DudiousMax at aol.com
- BroomHilda
DudiousMax at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1233
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- Poem Paradoy Contest
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1258
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1259
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1270
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- Misc responses
FrodeauxB at aol.com
- GRGR(28) -- More Questions for first section
JBFRAME at aol.com
- pynchon & hemingway
JBFRAME at aol.com
- is it ok to be luddite?
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Wolfe
JBFRAME at aol.com
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Did I Meet Pynchon?/Eric's Trip
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Ernst Nolte
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Question
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Suggestion
JBFRAME at aol.com
- Pynchon, Musil, Wittgenstein
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Fw: Goulash Socialism (was Bartok)
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Fw: Goulash Socialism (was Bartok)
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- pussy-eating (was: RE: Pigs Proscribed)
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- explanation part 2
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Marcel Reich-Ranicki meets Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (dedicated to Kai)
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Nazi ideology
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- explanation part 2
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Back on Topic?
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- there's a lady i know ...
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- "Pure" marxism - what the hell is this?
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Ernst Nolte
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- The Gnostic Pynchon
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Wtr: Ernst Nolte
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Kids
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Ernst Nolte
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Kids
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Ernst Nolte
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Ariès/The Fractals
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #1270
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Thurn & Taxis beer
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Heidegger
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Heidegger
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Heidegger
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Heidegger
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- A really stupid German joke (WAS: Pynchon's weaknesses)
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- urology
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Suggestion
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Suggestion
KXX4493553 at aol.com
- Hemingway and Pynchon
MalignD at aol.com
- Wolfe
MalignD at aol.com
- Wolfe
MalignD at aol.com
- Wolfe
MalignD at aol.com
- Wolfe
MalignD at aol.com
- Wolfe
MalignD at aol.com
- Wolfe
MalignD at aol.com
- Henry Adams on TV
MalignD at aol.com
- JS
MalignD at aol.com
- JS
MalignD at aol.com
- Pynchon's weaknesses
MalignD at aol.com
- Pynchon's weaknesses
MalignD at aol.com
- Pynchon's weaknesses
MalignD at aol.com
- GRGR(28) Tone Row
Nudeants at aol.com
- grgr (28): cosmic windmill mandala (--- "graphicity" in pynchon's prose)]
Stansamsuz at aol.com
- Question
Robert.Vassegh at bankofamerica.com
- "Mindless Pleasures", was: Re: Byron the Bulb site--
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Fish?
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- what's the schedule again?
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- double-dog darin' the sun
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Logocentrism
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Logocentrism
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Logocentrism
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Logocentrism
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Logocentrism
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Logocentrism
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- The Quest and the Grail (or Logocentrism)
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Logocentrism
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Logocentrism
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Logocentrism
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Necrologocentrism
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Ismcentrism
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Ernst Nolte
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- (no subject)
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- The Gnostic Pynchon
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- kids
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Heidegger
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- Heidegger
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
Muchasmasgracias at cs.com
- NP Evaluating Hitler (was Re: Nazi ideology)
- NP Holy Translation!
- Ernst Nolte
- NP Ernst Nolte
- NP THE word
- Pierce Inverarity--Faked Death?
stove at earthlink.net
- Memory failure
- American Colonialism
- Wolfe
- Fish????
- At the risk of starting another thread . . .
- Ernst Nolte (some P relevance eventually)
- Nazi ideology
No 13th hand
- Translation II
- is it ok to be luddite?
- is it ok to be luddite?
- is it ok to be luddite?
- GR(28) - Some Themes
- is it ok to be luddite
- is it ok to be luddite
- is it ok to be a sea shepherd?
- is it ok to be luddite
- is it ok to be luddite
- is it ok to be luddite
- is it ok to be luddite
- Logocentrism
- Logocentrism
- Logocentrism
- Logocentrism
- Logocentrism
- Logocentrism
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- Bottom Line
- Bottom Line
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- Bottom Line
- Bottom Line
- JS; Pynchon's predelictions WAS re Kids
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
- JS
- Saint Thomas of Mingeborough
- GRGR(29) - The Grid, The Comb
- re. Trolls (was Re: Pynchon's weaknesses)
- CD a postmodernist? (is Re: JS
- JS
- A Note To P-Listers
- Roger's Father
- postmodernism
- Not sloth.
christine karatnytsky
- New York Pynchon List, Sleeping Beast
christine karatnytsky
- Henry Adams on TV
christine karatnytsky
- An Observation
christine karatnytsky
- Pynchon dwelling?
jverity at mindspring.com
- gore vidal article
mdsheppard at mindspring.com
- apology/explanation part 1
julian nasti
- explanation part 2
julian nasti
- not very much
julian nasti
- Back on Topic?
julian nasti
- Re. Bartok
- Bartok
- Fw: Goulash Socialism (was Bartok)
- Fw: Goulash Socialism (was Bartok)
- JS; Pynchon's predelictions WAS re Kids
- Suggestion
- Question
hraudask at sun3.oulu.fi
- Question
hraudask at sun3.oulu.fi
- Ernst Nolte
hraudask at sun3.oulu.fi
- Kids
hraudask at sun3.oulu.fi
- Kids
hraudask at sun3.oulu.fi
- Comprising confrontations in _GR_
hraudask at sun3.oulu.fi
- Random Conspiracy Theory Generator
- Hello? Hello?
- What did you call the War, daddy?
- GRGR(28): Gustav vs. Saeure
- what's the schedule again?
- Wolfe
- McKenna [RIP]
- is it ok to be a sea shepherd?
- Suffer The Children
- Stockpiled weapons???
- The Quest and the Grail
- Logocentrism
- Back Off, Topic-Police!
- The Quest and the Devil (or Logosatanism)
- Aerologosatanism
- NP: Old Time Religion
- Necrologocentrism
- Ismcentrism
- Ismcentrism
- GRGR Hostlist
- Question
- Question
- Question
- The Gnostic Pynchon
- Question
- "Arf," she said.
- Caviar Empty
- kids
- Today's Secret Woid
- JS; Pynchon's predelictions WAS re Kids
- blame it on PoMo
- blame it on Palmolive
- grgr: overcoming of metaphysics
- Pynchon's weaknesses
- kids
- if it hurts when you do that........
calbert at tiac.net
- if it hurts when you do that........
calbert at tiac.net
- is it ok to be a sea shepherd?
calbert at tiac.net
- Zones and thaings.......
calbert at tiac.net
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
calbert at tiac.net
- Body armor bullshit
calbert at tiac.net
- alt.conspiracy.pynchon.waco
calbert at tiac.net
- is it ok to be luddite?
pporteous at worley.co.nz
- is it ok to be luddite?
pporteous at worley.co.nz
- is it ok to be luddite?
pporteous at worley.co.nz
- Wolfe
pporteous at worley.co.nz
- It was good for Charlston Heston - all roads lead to the captain.
pporteous at worley.co.nz
- Satantango
pporteous at worley.co.nz
- GR just: "Where to from here? The movements against globalisation"
pporteous at worley.co.nz
Last message date:
Fri Jun 30 23:59:07 CDT 2000
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:18:35 CST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).