OFFLIST Re: On a Moderated P-lst (WAS: Logocentrism)

Doug Millison millison at
Mon Jun 19 13:40:17 CDT 2000


At 11:34 AM -0700 6/19/00, Doug Millison wrote:
>>(746.23) - yeah, they're all here ["undesirable" visitors] showing 
>>up at Der Platz these days.  but the alternative is to start 
>>keeping some out and not others, and nobody's ready for that.... 
>>Decisions like that are for some angel stationed very high, 
>>watching us at our many perversities, crawling upon black satin, 
>>gagging on whip-handles, licking the blood from a lover's vein hit, 
>>all of it, every last giggle or sigh being carried on under a 
>>sentence of death whose deep beauty the angel has never been close 
>Yeah, that's in my copy of GR, too.
>Who said anything about a moderated list? Certainly not me, not this 
>time anyway. I still think a moderated list is a good idea, however.
>I do encourage you to get a copy of Pynchon Notes #42-43 -- as much 
>as you appear to love GR I expect you'll enjoy reading those 
>articles I mentioned.
>d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n  <>


d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n  <>

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