Ernst Nolte

Otto Sell o.sell at
Sat Jun 24 00:11:22 CDT 2000

You can discuss all this from your American point of view asking what is
more important, academical freedom or the historian`s obligation not to tell
lies about the past just because it`s politically wanted or opportun. But
you must not forget that at the same time of Nolte`s well-paid career a
listed member of the DKP (former West-German Communist Party) couldn`t
become a train-driver or work at the dust removal, not to mention all those
left-thinking students who wanted to become teachers or something else in a
public instititution. Literally thousands of careers, life-plans and dreams
have been destroyed by the officials because some youngsters had a cruddy
way of looking at the world. So don`t worry about the freedom of speech of a
crazy old man too much. . . .


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