"Pure" marxism - what the hell is this?

KXX4493553 at aol.com KXX4493553 at aol.com
Sun Jun 18 04:43:11 CDT 2000

In einer eMail vom 18.06.00 06:26:18 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit schreibt 
o.sell at telda.net:

 Besides, I don`t believe that Pynchon "hates" Puritanism (or Marxism, cause
 a merely upside down turning won`t help - pure Marxists have problems with
 Pynchon and Postmodernism). I see it more that way Rich writes in "American
 Magic and Dread."
Gude Otto,
welchen "reinen" Marxismus meenste eigentlich? What kind of "pure marxism" do 
you mean? Is Jameson a "pure" marxist, or even a little bit 
poststructuralist? I only know very "dirty" kinds of marxism, freudomarxism, 
Critical Theory, "New Left" (Marcuse), antihumanism (Althusser) a. s. o. a. 
s. o. - for marxists-leninists Marx' texts were "holy" writings, their 
bible...with their "mirror theory" of the superstructure... (look at Lenin, 
and his critics of "empirio-criticism"  which meant the logic positivism of 
the early 20th century). But even the marxists-leninists were not "pure", 
structuralist theories of language existed already in the twenties in the 
"pure" marxism...
BTW, in the newest sociological literature muslim fundamentalism (or better a 
part of it) has the same function as Protestantism for the "spirit of 
capitalism" as Max Weber described it: a justification theory for the 
uprising of a new middle-class or bourgeoisie in the Middle and Far East - 
Muslim fundamentalism is not only a "loser religion". What would Pynchon say 
about it? Perhaps he would have sympathies with the "loser religion"? Only a 

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