Friends of Dorothy The Notebook correction

Lycidas at Lycidas at
Fri Mar 3 15:14:05 CST 2000

Suppose we say, structurally, GR resembles Rilke's 'The
Notebooks of Malte Brigge. A-we even have a thematic
similarity and a shared allusion to the Prodigal Son
parable, right?  The Notebook is a watershed text, like
GR--one of the first, certainly one of the most important
German Experimental and Modern novels. GR is a lot longer,
but both novels consist of roughly the same number of scenes
(71 & 73). Of course, in terms of genre, The Notebook is a
diary narration while GR is a Menippean Satire, but the two
novels do share a "FEATURE" of the Menippean structure, in
that both novels
are held together not so much by plot and character
development, but by rather by the principles of montage
where scenes are connected by a repetition of modified
thematic patterns, like the "she cries Bianca....   ...yes,
bitch--yes, (GR.397) and through contextual links, sometimes
temporal, sometimes situational.

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