Pope and the Holocaust

Doug Millison millison at online-journalist.com
Wed Mar 8 18:33:48 CST 2000


Of interest, perhaps, to those who followed the thread awhile back on the
book, _Hitler's Pope_, it's reviewed, along with several others, in an
article in the new issue of New York Review of Books, "The Pope, the Nazis
& the Jews" by Istvan Deak.

from the article:
"Every criticism of Pius XII, and undoubtedly he deserves many, must
 nonetheless take into account that without Italian or, later, German
 permission, such Vatican newspapers as L'Osservatore Romano could not have
 been published, the Vatican Radio would have fallen silent, and all
 communications between the Vatican and the rest of the world would have been
 cut. Those of us who complain about the failure of the Pope to "speak out"
must also consider the question of how and how long he could have done so. "

d  o  u  g    m  i  l  l  i  s  o  n

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