suck my dick you fucks!

Derek C. Maus dmaus at
Sat Oct 7 09:48:08 CDT 2000

On Sat, 7 Oct 2000, Lorentzen / Nicklaus wrote:

> the sentence's argument in general, which is quite questionable, goes
> to say that one isn't hurt by ongoing calumniations when one uses an
> email-address which cannot be traced back at first glance.

So instead of your ad hominem attack ("well, i don't want to waste our
time with discussing this weak thesis") would you care to tell me how
rj/jbor/Rob jackson is genuinely injured by claims that he himself
considers "petty" and "petulant"? 

> let's see: what reason could there be to name the location that
> terrible 'hate-crime' (- is this the buzz word?!) took place? 

Um, could be because a) my point was that verbal insults are not
particularly effective unless you take them to heart and/or they are
accompanied by physical threat and b) I was at a concert at a local club
whose proceeds went to benefit AI. Where you get the idea that I was
hobnobbing with the organizational elite is beyond me. 

> since his contribution to the grgr was next to nothing (- lurking is
> allright, but the semi-lurking of mr.  maus is a pain in the ass),
> that maneuver is somehow understandable, though nevertheless, to say
> the least, tasteless.

I'm so sorry. Perhaps I'll just start spraying out nine-hundred line rants
whenever the mood strikes me. I didn't realize that there was a moral
imperative either to participate in a group reading or to fill everyone's
inbox with ninety messages a day. 

> ps: yes, mausi, i know: you've been on this list "many years" longer
> than i have. & mein sandhäufchen ist größer als deins ... aren't you
> the guy who is so proud of himself for beeing oh so grown up?

ps, yerself. My point (if you go back and look at the message in which 
I wrote that comment, mein kleiner dummerjan) was that I have been on this
list for about four years and have never had the kind of exchange that has
been recently ongoing. If you think condescension and graphomania is a
legitimate form of discourse, then sand isn't the only haeufchen of your
that is bigger. 

> so please look once more into your history book and tell me: where and
> when were jews called "maus!" by the nazis? 

So please look once more into my message and tell me where I said
"Nazis." German anti-semitism did not start nor stop, as you seem to be
aware, with Hitler. Dig a little deeper into the nineteenth century and
you'll find the phrase used quite regularly in anti-Semitic rhetoric--as
this is my name, I have done a bit of inquiry, y'see.

Fine. Fuck it. The list is yours. I submit to your dazzling display of
intellect and yield the list forever.

Derek C. Maus               |   "Heck, I reckon you wouldn't even be
dmaus at         |   human beings if you didn't have some 
UNC-CH, Dept. of English    |   pretty strong feelings about nuclear  |   combat."  --Major Kong, DR. STRANGELOVE

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