VV (1) - More fun with the Qabalah, 1 of 2
The Great Quail
quail at libyrinth.com
Sun Oct 8 14:54:29 CDT 2000
I have just read this through before sending, and it is long and
rambling, for which I apologize. But my coffee-maker broke down this
morning, so any attempts to organize this into More Coherent Thought
is doomed.
Thomas asks,
>Are there any references to the Qabbalah in V.?
Direct references? Not to the best of my knowledge; but I haven't
read V. in years, and I am only halfway through now. There are a few
things which certainly reflect the Qabalah, though -- but those are
inherent in most of Pynchon. More in a bit....
>I remember that there are
>pointed Qabbalistic references in GR (I did not have the time to reread the
>book for GRGR).
There are numerous Qabalistic pointers in GR; even the numerology of
the chapters have heavy Qabalistic significance. And of course
frequent mentions of Kabbalists, Qlippoth, as well as a few
references to Merkabah, a related Judaic mysticism.
Before I continue, I would like to mention that the Qabalah is a very
open and encompassing system; it is notoriously easy to adapt other
systems of thought into a Qabalistic framework, from Tarot and
Astrology to Gnotic Christianity to the secret notebooks of Rosie
O'Donnell and Madonna to Pynchon's fiction. It may be said that it is
a useful hermetic exercise merely to seek out Qabalistic
correspondences in the universe at large; which I tend to do, no
doubt having read too much of the stuff in a very formative time of
my life.
And now, a few small paragraphs to orient anyone who cares about this
but fell asleep during Qabalah 101. (What? You all went to Miskatonic
University, right?)
I feel there are two Qabalistic themes in nearly all the fiction of
TRP: the sense of loss/desire to return, and the perils of false
I. Ye Olde Sense of Loss
1. Qabalah 101:
Godhood flows down from the Ain Soph, the Incomprehensible, The
Limitless, The Three Negative Veils of Being, whatever; it flows down
the Tree of Life via the ten Emanations called Sephroth (11 if you
count Daath, or the Abyss of Consciousness; sort of the imaginary
number "i" of the Qabalah), from Kether to Malkuth. Each Sephirah
"breaks down" the Essence further, like a prism splitting white light
into colors; this creates a "fallen" state, but also allows the
increasing levels of multiplicity and complexity needed to forge
Creation. Finally the Godhood is shattered and "imprisoned" in
Malkuth, which is essentially the universe as we see it. It is also
the prison of Shekinah or the Gnostic Sophia, the female half of God,
the Bride of the World, Mater Matter, She Who Will be Re-united at
the Wedding of Tikkun, healing the whole universe and bringing about
cosmic unity for all the wee lost sparks. (Fina has nothing on her.)
2. Pynchon note:
This sets up the idea of a "return," after a "fall from grace," or a
broken symmetry. From this a-priori sense of loss comes the longing
for a mystical/spiritual voyage back up the tree to undivided
Godhood, where Mrs. Buffo will announce a cosmic suck-hour, we will
all return to Lacan's undifferentiated womby unity, and all suffering
and ignorance shall end. (Of course, to see the face of God is to
suffer annihilation/absorption into God; so plan your Qabalistic
return at a convenient time.)
3. Quoting GR:
"It's been a prevalent notion. Fallen sparks. Fragments of vessels
broken at the Creation. And someday, somehow, before the end, a
gathering back to home. A messenger from the Kingdom, arriving at the
last moment."
("Gravity's Rainbow," V-148. Although in a typical Pynchonian
move, the next lines indicate this is probably just a fairy tale; not
to mention the satirical context of the entire section.)
4. V. Thoughts
The Animate experience a frustrated need for cosmic forbearance.
Additionally, there is a search for V. the unattainable, the usually
female, but sometimes geographical and even then still metaphorically
female, Shekinah, Sophia, the mystic convergence of desire and
fulfillment. And as I speculated in my last email, the V. could also
be the falling half of the Seal of Solomon, the absent tongue of
fire, the Pentecostal stain hallucinated(?) by desperate Hanne, so
close to Inanimation herself, the missing link between Above and
Below that is harmonized in the Sephirah Tiphareth -- the force of
love and compassion and harmony, the mediating intelligence.
Qabalistic, Mystic, Conflated symbolic V.
The Great Quail, Keeper of the Libyrinth:
I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.
--J.L. Borges
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