Chasing ... Cutting (should be Amen)

Dave Monroe monroe at
Wed Sep 6 14:51:33 CDT 2000

Hm ... reminds me, though, thta Robert Hughes series on Australia
started up on PBS last night, very interesting, esp. in re:
homosexuality, tolerance thereof ...

Can't Wait wrote:

> T stated this to the jbor:
> 'You really should examine why you are so quick to accuse
> others of bigotry and the like. If your accusations were not
> so absurd I wouldn't waste everyone's time addressing them,
> but you really should examine why you do this. Another thing
> to examine is why you do it here where you obviously can't
> know enough about list members to make such ridiculous
> accusations.'
> Cmon now T, you're playing his game; saying something like this does
> him and nobody no good.  The jbor can accuse whoever the hell he
> wants of being a bigot, who cares?  As cantankerous as the jbor is,
> he may be laughing his ass off the entire time he makes such
> accusations.
> Look, the jbor is Australian.  Badda-bing, badda-boom.  Australians
> are utterly worthless creatures.  There is nothing more pointless,
> ridiculous and idiotic than an Australian.  The rest of the world
> treats them as little puppy dogs, and rightly so.  Pat-pat.  Good
> doggie!  Idiot losers.  Australians, for all their fuck-all sham
> independence, they all want one fucking thing.  One thing.  You know
> what that is?  Every fucking Australian WANTS TO BE AN AMERICAN.
> m
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