Call for Parodies

J L trailerman44 at
Thu Sep 7 01:04:23 CDT 2000

frodeaux's theatrical anecdote prompts this; along with the
hesitant response to m's appeal for our own screaming reactions
to GR.  How about something less visceral post-GRGR:

  You are invited to render a well-known passage
  from Thomas Pynchon's _Mason & Dixon_ in the style
  of his _Gravity's Rainbow_.

Yes, I know it would be easier the Other Way 'Round.
So hey, do whatever you want.  _Vineland_  in the manner of a
missile safety leaflet might be interesting...
In fact, if anyone has a copy of Chris K's spoof _M&D_ opening
('Hyacinths have poked their heads...' etc), would they be so
kind as to forward to me.  A new P-convert of my acquaintance
would appreciate it.  Better still, post it to the List and
cheer us all up / sadden us at her departure.

from this beginning, a skilled writer could go most anywheres
        [ - ring lardner ]

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