El Desheredado?

calbert at hslboxmaster.com calbert at hslboxmaster.com
Thu Aug 16 11:55:12 CDT 2001

Wood Jim:

When the bad duke talks about his missive he uses the phrase

.....encre hight.....

now encre, I assume is literally anchor...the funny thing is that 
hight, I suspect, comes from the "norse" root whose contemporary 
version is "att heta" (to be named, or called)....now hight can also 
been taken as "raise".......but why the sudden slip into French 
here? My guess is that it may be a "pointer" to de Nerval.....

> CFA says, 
> "One COULD try to decipher de Nerval's poem.......(my
> guess is that the term "encre" may have some meaning
> here)" 
> Lost me again, sorry. 
> Must be all these more or less disquieting revelations
> crowding in on my eyes, ears, nose, dreams and
> memories exponentially. Or maybe it's the weaving? 
> I don't know. 
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