FWD: Swedish revelations: Nazi Greetings in the Halls of the Parliament

calbert at hslboxmaster.com calbert at hslboxmaster.com
Wed Aug 29 09:13:50 CDT 2001


> Schon found that Swedish scientists were in favor killing "inferior"
> people (e.g. handicapped, mentally retarded). In 1921, at the
> suggestion of social-democrats, the State Institute for Race Biology
> was established in Uppsala. It was the first such institution in
> Europe. Its mission was to maintain the perfect Germanic race and to
> save money on health care. There were special race courses organized
> to inform the plain folks, and race competitions held.
> After the war, all of this was conveniently forgotten ....

not exactly.....the swedish gov. continued to engage in "selective 
sterilization" until the early 70's..............

an ugly chapter and a stain on the culture.....


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