Karma my ass!

KXX4493553 at aol.com KXX4493553 at aol.com
Sat Dec 1 14:21:20 CST 2001

In einer eMail vom 01.12.01 19:58:40 (MEZ) Mitteleuropäische Zeit schreibt 
quail at libyrinth.com:

>  >America must have an enormous karmic debt to pay. Let's just pay it and
>  >learn our lessons.
>  >I'm not the pervert who linked "karmic" and "debt" together. 
>  >Actually, I stole it from Gary Zukav. I think they go together well. 
>  >And I stand behind my statement.  Sorry if you find it insensitive, 
>  >but I believe America does have a karmic debt to pay.
>  I was actually hoping you would just sort of quietly disown that 
>  statement, which I find the single most offensive thing stated on the 
>  P-List since September 11. The very fact that you would use a 
>  religious/philosophical concept pulled from Buddhism to *justify* the 
>  death of thousands of multinational non-combatants is appalling to me 
>  in the extreme. And lets not mince words -- you *are* justifying it. 

I agree with "Quail" in this point. I can remember that some years ago a 
German "buddhist" was speculating in tv that the Holocaust was the result of 
the "karmic debt of the Jews". This is complete bullshit, and I as a 
"leftist" in your eyes (I see big differences in the attitude towards 
"leftism" in the American and in the European public) would never accept such 
a thinking in "left" groups here. 
BTW, the "peace movement" here isn't much a left thing. It's much more 
ideologically diffuse and influenced by several political directions.

But: mistrust your government whereever you hear their political statements! 
The same with the official media. Just read an interview with a former 
secretary of state during the Helmut Schmidt government here, in the 
seventies and the early eighties, a social democrat. He mistrusts the 
official versions of 9/11 until today. Too many open questions are still 
unanswered. But the main question is: do we need "super powers" any longer? 
It doesn't matter for me if this "super power" is called USA, Russia, China 
or whatever. And I must laugh about my government: in a newspaper (taz) which 
has a lot of sympathies with the German Green Party I had to read today that 
it would be good if German peace-keeping troops were sent to Afghanistan 
because the Afghans traditionally have "good relations" to the Germans and 
the Germans would have no interests in Central Asia! Harhar! A good joke! 
This newspaper - the taz - was formerly - let's say fifteen years ago - the 
most well-known left-radical newspaper in Germany. Formerly they made 
campaigns like "weapons for El Salvador" to support the Guerilla there, and 
now they want to make Joschka Fischer to an "elder statesman" and peace 
This world is only a bitter and a bad joke. 

Kurt-Werner Pörtner

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