MDMD: maps

Doug Millison millison at
Thu Dec 6 10:14:35 CST 2001

Great stuff on maps, Dave -- thanks.

New from the British Library
Lie of the Land: The Secret Life of Maps
British Library

The British Library has launched a new version of their Website this week,
the first significant redesign since their initial launch in 1995. The new
site eliminates frames, simplifies navigation, makes the look and feel of
the site more consistent throughout, and aims to make the site more
accessible to a variety of browsers, platforms, and bandwidths. In addition,
the library offers an exhibit to accompany the installation that went on
display this summer, Lie of the Land: The Secret Life of Maps. The online
exhibition is brief but does feature images of some of the museum
installation's highlights in the explore section and the tour the exhibit
section. A nice browse for map aficionado.

The Scout Report
November 30, 2001
Volume 7, Number 45

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